U.S. media reports that the US government will relax the requirements for crown disease testing on Chinese immigration passengers as soon as Friday (March 10).

According to the three US officials quoted by the Washington Post, national security and health officials reached a consensus on Tuesday (7th) on Tuesday (7th), and it is expected that before the official announcement, it is expected to knowU.S. Airlines and Chinese diplomats.

These officials described this decision based on public health considerations, not foreign policy.For other countries that implement testing from Chinese entry, such as Japan and South Korea, they have recently revoked testing requirements.

U.S. officials said that in recent weeks, the number of crown diseases and infections in China has declined. Although the U.S. government believes that these data still cannot reflect the real situation of Chinese infections in China, the trend of decline has caused the trend to make the decline allowedThey feel relieved.

China's strict dynamic zero policy retired from December last year. After the border was opened in January this year, the coronal virus was rapidly spread across the country, and the number of infected people increased dramatically.From January 5 this year, the U.S. government requires crown disease testing after entering the country who enter the country from China.

At that time, US officials said that they were worried that the wave of infection that swept China's infection could trigger new variants and then impacted the epidemic situation around the world.