
Jingqiang Xinyun

In the attention of all walks of life, the new Chinese Foreign Minister Qin Gang Qin Gang debuted on Tuesday (March 7) for the first time , Annual CPPCC) Press Conference.

Compared with his former Wang Yi, the "60s" diplomatic officials were slightly restrained in the first show, and there were not many expressions and body language.At the press conference for nearly two hours, Qin Gang answered a total of 14 Chinese and foreign journalists asking questions. He was nearly half less than that of the press of the Foreign Minister Wang Yi at the two sessions last year.

However, Qin Gang has not avoided major issues such as Sino -US relations, the Russian and Ukraine War, and the Taiwan Strait issue.Faced with the sharp topic of "Wolf Diplomacy", he also interesting. When he was out of the United States, the American media exclaimed "Wolf is coming". Now returning to Beijing to serve as a foreign minister, but he has no such title."" ".

Throughout the press conference, the most impressive thing is the almost impact of Sino -US relations on Chinese diplomacy.

Whether it is Sino -Japanese relations, the surrounding situation, or the conflict between the Russian and Ukraine, and the Taiwan Strait issue, Qin Gang's answers are directly or indirectly deducted the theme of China and the United States. This is obviously the top priority of various foreign affairs in Beijing.

Qin Gang used some metaphors when explaining Sino -US relations.For example, he criticized the US cognition and positioning of the United States. "The first butt deduction was wrong, which caused the US policy to China to completely separate from the positive track of rationality and health."

He also used the Olympic field and field race to accuse the United States of accusing the United States of not trying to run out of his best results, but to trip the opponent, "even want to let the other party participate in the Paralympic Games."

He also emphasized, accusing the United States of saying the competition as "the zero -sum game you died and I live"; and said that China would not be able to fight back and scold, "this cannot be done."

When Qin Gang took office at the end of December last year, shortly after the meeting of the Shougi Jili in China and the United States, the two sides were still preparing for US Secretary of State Brillin to visit China. Beijing still had hope for alleviating Sino -US tensions.

In just over two months, China and the United States have experienced many twists and turns.First, it was reported that the Speaker of the House of Representatives McCarthy was going to visit Taiwan. After the two sides, the two sides were tattooed by the balloon incident. The United States also reached an agreement with Japan and the Netherlands to restrict China's imported advanced chip manufacturing equipment to further launch technology to China.There is news on Tuesday that Taiwan Cai Yingwen plans to visit the United States next month to meet with McCarthy in California.

Wang Yi, who was promoted to the Politburo of the Communist Party of China before the two sessions.At the Munich Security Conference, he criticized the United States for a while in the presence of politics of various countries, and then visited Moscow to meet with Russian President Putin.

The emergence of "Xiaoyangchun" in Sino -US relations is a luxury. After experiencing these twists and turns, the opportunity to stabilize the relationship between the two countries is even worse.From Qin Gang's reporter's meeting, Beijing has adjusted a slightly slowing attitude earlier."You died, I live a zero -sum game", and if you want to be able to do it in China, you can't scold and "can't do it", showing that Beijing has determined that the so -called "competition" in Washington is to "disabled" China to delay China's development.

In fact, the day before the Foreign Minister's press conference, China's official statement also showed that Beijing may no longer have too much fantasy about Sino -US relations.

According to Chinese official media reports, when Chinese officials participated in a discussion of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference on Monday, they rarely criticized the United States with sharp words and accused "the Western countries led by the United States have implemented a full range of containment and enclosure to me. In order to bring unprecedented challenges to my country's development. "

Over the years, when Chinese leaders talked about Sino -US relations in public, they frequently criticized the United States with such "certain countries", but they never named it.

At the two sessions in deploying domestic economic operations and response to social concerns, whether it is Chinese national leaders or other officials, they usually only discuss the external environment in a general manner, and rarely break the pressure from the United States.

Recall the two sessions of the two years ago. At that time, China and the United States fell into a trade war. The United States has just begun to contribute to curbing Chinese enterprises. It is forbidden for ZTE to purchase US chips and resist Huawei to participate in the construction of 5G networks in Western countries.At that time, the Prime Minister and Foreign Minister's press conference of the two sessions had responded to the issue of the Sino -US trade war, but the wording was mild, and they mainly appealed to the peaceful conversation and constructive dialogue.At the press conference of the two sessions at that time, other officials carefully avoided the problem of contradiction between China and the United States. Treasures also described it at the time that Sino -US strategic competition was like "elephant in the room" at the two sessions.

Five years later, Sino -US relations have continued to deteriorate.Washington has unprecedented consensus on the toughness of China. He has to curb China's development and continue to test the bottom line of Beijing on the Taiwan issue. Some people even suspect that Washington is inducing Beijing to enter the war.Beijing's senior management no longer avoids the "elephant in the room", more frequently emphasizes "struggle", reveals that it is no longer sighed for the signs of preparation of Sino -US relations in a compromise and starting to prepare for Sino -US relations.

Sino -US confrontation has entered a more dangerous new stage. This is really worrying. Once the two big powers are caught in "you die,", the entire area will be dragged into the water.