Gim Rogers, a well -known American investor, said that as a large -scale consumer market with more than 1.4 billion people in the world's major manufacturing centers and more than 1.4 billion people, China's economic recovery will boost global demand and alleviate the tension of supply chain.

Jim Rogers, who is also a former partner of the "Quantum Fund", made the above statement in Singapore's first financial video in Singapore.This visit was published on Tuesday (March 7).

Rogers said that in the context of the slowdown in the growth rate of the world economy and the increase in downward risks, the accelerated recovery of China's economy and actively expanding opening up to the outside world will help boost global economic growth and confidence.

After being asked how to view China's optimization of epidemic prevention policies, major institutions have raised their predictions to China's economic growth rate this year. Rogers said that China has further optimized and adjusted the epidemic prevention and control policy.obvious.As a large -scale consumer market of the world's major manufacturing centers and more than 1.4 billion people, China's economic recovery will boost global demand and alleviate the tension of supply chain."The 19th century was the British century, and the 20th century was the United States. In my opinion, the 21st century was the century of China. China continued to actively expand its opening to the outside world.Britain and other countries ... "

Talking about his views on the global economic situation this year, Rogers said that the global economy is facing serious problems.Since the outbreak of the crown disease, the major central banks have sacrificed super loose monetary policies. Since then, the world has experienced a strong economic rebound and inflation out of control.Although the impact of the epidemic has not completely dissipated, the situation is getting better, the economy of various countries has continued to restart, and the inflation pressure has slowly weakened.

Rogers believes that in a certain period of time, especially with China's restart with the world's second largest economy, the global economic situation will improve.Global debt surge is likely to hinder economic recovery. The United States, Japan and other countries have long been in debt.The global economic recession will not occur in the short term, and it may occur later or next year.

As the first batch of international investors investing in the Chinese stock market, Rogers is currently paying attention to the Chinese aviation industry, tourism industry, catering industry and agriculture.He said that there is a word in Chinese that is "crisis", that is, risks and opportunities coexist. When an industry is in crisis, investment opportunities also quietly come.