Chinese Foreign Minister Qin Gang reminds the United States that Sino -US relations should be determined by the common interests and responsibilities of the two countries, rather than the United States' domestic politics and hysterical new McCarthyism.

Qin Gang on Tuesday (March 7) in the morning National Two Council Foreign Minister's press conference said when answering questions from Sino -US relations.More and more people in the United States are deeply worried about the current Sino -US relations, calling on the United States to pursue a rational and pragmatic policy on China.

Qin Gang reviewed his experience when he was working in the United States. Workers in Los Angeles Long Beach Port Terminal told him that the livelihood of the whole family relied on the freight trade with China.Double and more losses.

Qin Gang reminded, "Those who determine Sino -US relations should be the common interests, common responsibilities of the two countries, and the friendship between the two peoples, rather than the United States' domestic politics and hysteria new McCarthyism."

He emphasized that China will always be committed to promoting the healthy and stable development of Sino -US relations in accordance with the principles of mutual respect, peaceful coexistence, and win -win cooperation proposed by Chinese officials.The strategic anxiety of expansion ", abandon the cold war thinking of the zero -sum game, reject the" political correctness "universal abduction, fulfill the promise, and go with China to explore the correct China and the United States that are both conducive to the two countries and benefit the world to get along with each other.road.