After the People's Daily of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China has previously issued a consecutive document to criticize the US democratic system as "false democracy," the Chinese official media Xinhua News Agency also issued a document on Monday (February 20)Domineering and bullying.

This article entitled the US hegemony and domineering and its harmful articles. It has criticized the United States' hegemony from the five aspects of politics, military, economy, science and technology, and culture.

The article wrote: "This report focuses on enumerating the facts, exposing the various evils of the United States 'abuse of political and military, economic finance, and scientific and cultural hegemony, so that the international community can further see the United States' practices in peace and stability of the world's peace and stabilityWith the serious harm caused by the well -being of the people's livelihood. "

In terms of political hegemony, the article criticizes the United States for" wanton "and has been under the so -called banner of democracy and human rights for a long time.National and world order.The article states that the United States interfere with other domestic politics, adopts double standards for international rules, take private interests first. With the help of the allies system, it will judge the democracy of other countries, split the gap between the gap, and incite the opposition and confrontation.

In military hegemony, the article states that the United States "poor soldiers and martial arts" refer to its history full of violence and expansion, and criticize the United States as the best country.The article states that the U.S. military hegemony has created a tragedy and created 37 million people in the world. It also stated that the U.S. military had used a large number of appallowed means such as biochemical weapons to participate in the war.

The article criticizes that the US economic hegemony is "ingeniously", saying that the US dollar hegemony is the main source of the unstable and uncertainty of the world economy.The article also pointed out that the United States uses the "coinage tax" to seize world wealth, manipulates the international economic and financial organizations, and applies attached clauses when assisting other countries. It is good at using economic coercion to target opponents to reduce economic and financial hegemony into geopolitical weapons.

In the "Monopoly Aimed at the Science and Technology Hegemony" section, the article criticized the United States to engage in monopoly targets and technological blockade in the high -tech field to prevent other countries scientific and technological and economic development.The article states that the United States has politically, weapons, and ideology in science and technology issues.The article also accuses the United States abuse science and technology hegemony to engage in Internet attacks and monitoring secrets.

The article describes the cultural hegemony of the United States with "confusing people", saying that the American usual culture is used to strengthen and maintain its hegemony in the world.The article states that the United States has implanted American values in movies and other products. When interfered with other domestic politics, it relies on the American -led Western media to incite public opinion. In response to other countries, false information is used as a tool to attack other countries to form a public opinion industry chain.

The article finally wrote that the country must respect each other and treat each other. "The big country should have a big country, and we must take the lead in a new international exchange of a conversation without fighting, not all alliances, and not alliance."Road."

Articles also reiterate that China has always opposed all forms of hegemonism and power politics, and opposes interference in other domestic politics."The United States should fight against the province, deeply review what they do, abandon arrogance and prejudice, and abandon hegemony domineering."