In response to US Secretary of State Brinkens, China is considering that China is considering providing weapons and ammunition to Russia. The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs refers to the United States that the United States is not the Chinese side, and emphasizes that the United States does not accept the United States' "fingering foot" and "coercion giving" in China and Russia."Press".

Brinken Sunday (February 19) was interviewed by the Columbia Broadcasting News (CBS News) and said that Chinese companies have provided "non -fatal support" to Russia, saying that the United States is very worried that China is considering considerationProvide Russia with "fatal support" including weapons.

The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Wang Wenbin said at a press conference on Monday (February 20) that it is the United States instead of the Chinese side that continues to provide weapons. "Accept the United States' hand -drawn footsteps and even coercion. "

Wang Wenbin emphasized that China's policy on the Ukrainian issue is to persuade and talk. He asked, "Who is calling for dialogue to fight for peace?. "

He also said that China urged the United States to reflect on what it did, mostly to ease the situation, persuade and talk about practical things, and stop shaking the pot to push and spread false information, saying that China will continue to be firmStanding on the side of the dialogue, standing on the side of peace, play a constructive role for promoting the situation to ease and cool down.