

Ji Yan Spring and Autumn

Wang Yi, a member of the Politburo of the Communist Party of China and the director of the Central Committee of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China in Europe, has met with the EU leaders intensively in the past few days and meets with US Secretary of State Brillings.Wang Yi also visited the highest European politicians after the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China in October last year.

In this trip to Europe, Wang Yi frequently released goodwill to important EU countries such as France, Italy, Germany and other EU to express their willingness to strengthen dialogue and cooperation.The color of Oki Beauty is very strong.

On the day when Wang Yi flew to Paris on February 15, France decided to cancel the restrictions on the entry restrictions on Chinese passengers and give Wang Yi a "meeting ceremony" with an atmosphere.

French President Macron, Presidential Foreign Affairs Consultant Bona, Foreign Minister Cologne and other dignitaries met with Wang Yi.Macron said that the French party hopes to strengthen the cooperation in the fields of climate change, biological diversity, and marine protection.When Bona co -hosted the China -French strategic dialogue with Wang Yi, it was willing to actively participate in the "Belt and Road" international cooperation summit forum, and further coordinated in international affairs with China.Cologne expects to cooperate in France and China to achieve new major development this year and next, and chase it back due to the loss of the epidemic.

In Italy, Wang Yi met with President Matretala, Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Tiani.Mattarerazan agrees that the two sides restart the cooperation mechanisms as soon as possible, emphasizing that European -China cooperation is essential to respond to global challenges.Tiani said that Italy expects to restart the bilateral cooperation mechanism with China as soon as possible to promote mutual investment and expand the scale of trade.

In Germany, Prime Minister Tsutz and Foreign Minister Berbak met with Wang Yi.Wang Yi said that China has successfully overcome the influence of the epidemic, and the economy has reappeared a strong recovery.China and Germany can actively prepare a new round of government consultations, plan the blueprint for the development of relations between the two countries, and continue to walk at the forefront of the world.Schultz said that Germany will firmly develop economic and trade relations with China and oppose any form of "decoupling".

It can be seen that in terms of dealing with China, France, Italy, Germany and other countries, Wang Yi has emphasized that China has overcome the epidemic, hoping that China and these important EU countries will restart dialogue and cooperation, and strive to eliminate the epidemic and the Russian and Ukraine War.The impact on China -Europe cooperation will be pulled back to the track of economic and trade cooperation as soon as possible.

But not only did he show compromise and concession for Sino -U.S.

Although Wang Yi met with Blint in Munich, China deliberately emphasized that Wang Yi had "informal contact" with Brinken at the request of the United States.

Brinken emphasized to Wang Yi that the appearance of Chinese reconnaissance balloons in the United States is the unacceptable trampling of the United States sovereignty and international law. Such irresponsible behaviors must not happen again.Brinken also warns that if China provides material support or help them escape sanctions to Russia during the Russia and Ukraine War, it will need to face the consequences.

Wang Yi expressed the "solemn position" of China on the balloon incident to Brinken, asking the United States to change the string more, face up and solve the damage caused by the abuse of force to Sino -US relations.

Brinken also told Wang Yi that the United States's long -term "one China" policy has not changed, emphasizing the importance of maintaining diplomatic dialogue and open communication channels at any time.However, Chinese official media did not report whether Wang Yi said that China and the United States should maintain a dialogue.

In addition to expressing dissatisfaction with Bronken, Wang Yi also directly reprimanded the balloon at the Munich Safety Conference.Force, obviously violated international practice and related international conventions. "

Wang Yi also referred to the chips and science bills issued by the United States. "In fact, the use of national power to target Chinese enterprises. This is 100 % unilateralism and selfishness.Chain stable. "His conclusion is that the United States has stood on the opposite side of its self -advocating free trade, which is a historic irony.There is an old saying in China that the gentleman loves the fortune and takes it. "Only the little talents are going to take it out. Today the United States tears all camouflage, and even cleverly disdains it.P>

Wang Yi is the face of many politicians and experts and scholars in various countries. It is rare in Chinese diplomatic history with such fierce words.This shows that in the face of the continuous upgrading of the United States for China, China has chosen tough response, and no longer obtains relationships with the United States with the posture of weak people.

But it is not easy to fight the United States, and it is not so simple to win Europe.In the context of the Russian and Ukraine War, European countries such as France and Germany have pressured China on this issue, hoping that China will not provide any military assistance to Russia.To win Europe, it is necessary to maintain a balance between Europe and Russia.

In this regard, Wang Yi still took out the consistent position of "persuasion and talk".Although European countries are definitely dissatisfied with this, it is difficult to force China to abandon China -Russia's comprehensive strategic collaboration partnership.

It should be pointed out that Wang Yiluo Ou fight against the United States, not to attract Europe to fight the United States, but to show that China will treat Europe and the United States differently, and strive to be in the United States to target China.

At the same time, Wang Yi severely criticized the United States to completely turn his face with the United States, but was the re -use of the strategy of "fighting for cooperation with struggle" in the history of the Communist Party of China.China is definitely reluctant to see that Sino -US relations are completely ruptured, which will seriously obstruct or even interrupt China's modernization process.Regardless of Lao or anti -US, China hopes to strive for a relatively stable external environment.