(Jakada News) In order to do business or continue the family's roots, more and more Indonesian Chinese people have also set a Chinese name for themselves and their families, and also driven online name services.

The change of the name of the Chinese in Indonesia is intertwined with a strong political and historical color.Former Indonesian President Suhado's assimilation policy forced the local Chinese to start the name of Indonesian, but some Chinese are still incorporated into the original surname in the family name of Indonesian, such as the Huang family of Huangda with Wijaya as the family name.

The Jakarta Post reported that after the fall of Suhado, Indonesia was open. In addition to the rise of China, in addition to learning Chinese and Chinese, Indonesians also chose the name of Chinese language.

60 -year -old anthropologist and sociologist Johanes Herlijanto said: "Some people think they are living in a different era now, so they think the names are part of identity, which is meaningful. However, there are also older generations no longer considering the Chinese name. Therefore, the younger generation chose to ask for help. "

Traditionally, children and offspring in the family are named by the elderly.Today, the elderly are also inclined to use the Internet name platform to start a beautiful Chinese name for future generations.

The elders in the family, Jing De Sheng, said that although I understand Chinese, I still hope that the online platform can give a better name for her fifth granddaughter.

Chinese Chinese names, especially paying attention to whether the five elements are balanced, some people want to read eight characters.Zuo Han, a named practitioner, said that when he became a Chinese name for customers, he would try to make the name in line with the customer's birthday.

Some industry players emphasize that another main point of the Chinese name is the sound comparison. Different words have different tones, and the meaning changes. When named, pay special attention.

is closely related to China's strength enhancement

Zohannis said that the rise of Chinese in Indonesia is closely related to the enhancement of Chinese strength."The rise of China is also affecting overseas Chinese, so that they are proud of their modern and advanced culture."

Lia, named by others, said that in the past few years, more and more Indonesian Chinese have become Chinese names, because they work in a Chinese company, and Chinese colleagues are not easy to call their Indonesian names.

In addition, Indonesia has more and more young people studying in China.A report by the Chinese Embassy in Indonesia in 2017 said that at least 14,000 Indonesian students studying in China increased by 10 % each year.Most students learn Chinese language and literature.

Zohannis said that although the online name service helps Indonesians to play a Chinese name, the Chinese name is not just a translation, because the process has a complex history, but in the 30 years of Suhado's main administration, many things have been in many things.It has been lost.