(Philippine News) Philippine President Marco reiterated that the Philippines will not abandon any inch of territory and will continue to communicate on the situation in the South China Sea and Asian countries and other Asian countries.

Saturday (February 18) at the alumni event at BAGUIO (BAGUIO), a military school, said that he did not think it was necessary to illuminate the laser for the Chinese maritime police officer.The ship quoted the United States and the Philippines for the joint defense of the United States for protection, and the incident was not serious enough to start this protection treaty.

According to the Philippine Star report, Magaks said: "If we start the treaty, it will only upgrade the tension in the area, I think it will be counterproductive."

The Philippines and the United States signed a common defense treaty in the United States and the Philippines in 1951.According to the treaty, once the Philippines is attacked by armed, the United States will help the Philippines to resist foreign enemies.The Chinese Maritime Police Ship was accused of in the Renai Reef in the Sand Islands in Hainan, China on February 6, and the military -raid laser illuminated the Philippine Maritime Police Ship.The Philippines has proposed diplomatic protests to China, and Marco also summoned the Chinese ambassador to the Philippines to express serious concern.

Beijing insisted that the Philippine Police Ship drove into the Chinese waters without permission, and clarified that the Chinese maritime police ship used a laser speed meter to measure the distance and speed of the Philippine ship.However, the Philippines refuted China, saying that the Philippine Maritime Police Ship was in the Philippines's exclusive economic zone at the time, and the laser caused the Philippine Police crew to have a brief blindness of 10 seconds to 15 seconds.

Magaks maintains a consistent position on Saturday, and vowed to maintain the Filipino territory in any case.He said: "We see that the tension of geopolitics is increasing, which is not in line with our concept of peace, and it poses a threat to the security and stability of our country, the region and the world.Territory. We will continue to maintain our territorial integrity and sovereignty in accordance with our constitution and international law. "

Magaks said that the Philippines will also communicate with Asian and Asian partnerships on this laser irradiation incident.He believes that this is a more proper method than quoting the common defense treaty of the United States and the Philippines.