Even if both China and the United States do not want to have physical conflicts, conflicts may still occur.Dr. Huang Yonghong, the Minister of Defense of Singapore, urges Sino -US leaders to work hard to avoid misjudgment or cause physical conflict in accidents.Because once Asia ignites warfire, it will have a devastating impact, and it will affect the world.

Huang Yonghong said: "Our environment is uncomfortable. Although we have not reached the boiling point, the temperature must be continued to rise, and we must do our best to let the temperature fall."

"Wagging in Asia, no reason can not stand. It is not worth taking such risks, because the consequences will be unimaginable, and there are other feasible alternatives."

Huang Yonghong, who attended the 59th Munich Security Conference in Germany, spoke on Saturday (February 18) at the Maritime Security Forum on Saturday (February 18).fuse.

Huang Yonghong: Some moves in China and the United States may be regarded as pre -deployment

In terms of words, the US President Biden and Chinese officials carefully stated in different ways that the two countries did not seek conflict.However, Huang Yonghong believes that some of the current actions of China and the United States may be regarded by the other party as preparation for the conflict that may happen next.

"Remember when we gathered here last year, about 100,000 Russian troops have gathered on the Ukrainian border, and they attacked three days later. We did not see (China and the United States) have similar actions, but we have seen other pre -deployment."

For example, the United States and Australia, India, and Japan are all Safety Dialogue (QUAD); the United States and Australia and the United Kingdom establishes three -sided security partnership (AUKUS); the Philippines agrees to open up four more military bases for U.S. forces; American allies JapanEstablish a counterattack ability to combat enemy targets.

China has increased military spending for seven consecutive years. Last year's defense budget reached US $ 229.5 billion (about S $ 307.5 billion), an increase of about 7 % year -on -year; on a large scale on the military parade of the National Day 70th anniversary, it showed ChinaProgress; in the South China Sea and the Taiwan Strait to enhance the sense of military presence.

Huang Yonghong said that in order to achieve deterrent effects, the two countries were prepared, but even so, the war drums have not yet sounded.

The two fuses that exist between China and the United States are the dispute between Taiwan and strategic resources.

Huang Yonghong said that the first statement is regarded Taiwan as a vane of policy and democratic competition.The second statement is the dispute between strategic resources, just like the past countries in order to compete for spices and oil, but now there are more high -end chips produced in Taiwan.

He pointed out that promoting Taiwan independence will cause conflict.If the status quo is changed, China will take or be forced to take action, because this will be considered to add unequal treaties to China again, and this is not acceptable to any Chinese leader.

In such a big background, any accident may wipe the gun and go to fire, such as the recent balloon incident.Huang Yonghong said that no matter whether everyone is willing or not, some small events may lead to catastrophic consequences.

Participating in the forum is the Philippine Foreign Minister Manlo, Fu Ying, deputy chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the 13th National People's Congress of China, and Pitcho, a member of the European Parliament.

On the other hand, Huang Yonghong also attended the 14th Munich Youth Leadership Forum held in cooperation with the Munich Safety Conference, and spoke to the theme "out of the way to the ideal world".

Huang Yonghong pointed out that the future leader will inherit a world in the face of climate change, competition and wealth of big powers.These challenges are enough to destroy the material world, or the existing social and political system.

He later listed some ideal goals to the young leaders of the meeting, and hoped to listen to everyone’s ideas, including ending the oppression and marginalization of different groups;Pull the people at the bottom; and protect the basic rights and interests of all citizens, such as good education, work skills, good salary, clean water sources and enjoying the rule of law.

This year's Munich Safety Conference Sunday (February 19) ended.