The Chinese Navy released a bilingual video of the Shandong ship carrier during training in the South China Sea. Some Chinese military experts analyzed that the Shandong ship carrier formation had close contact with the US aircraft carrier formation in the South China Sea.Essence

The official public account of the Chinese Navy released a short video on Wednesday (February 15) to display the scene of the aircraft carrier Shandong ship conducting practical training in the South China Sea, but did not announce the training time.

The video mainly shows the flight training of the J -15 fighter aircraft all -weather. One of the Chinese and English shouts, "This is the Chinese Navy Shandong Ship (This Is CHINESE NAVY WARSHIP 17), and was officially named by the Chinese Navy's official public account" People's Navy"Described as" a sense of security ".

Under the circumstances that English shouts are generally used, the Global Times reported that the 10,000 -ton big drive Nanchang ship went abroad for the first time to participate in the China -Russia maritime for the first time in 2021.Co -starring and participating in the Sino -Russian joint cruise. On the way, foreign ships followed the Chinese formation. Nanchang ship soldiers shouted in English: "I am the Chinese Navy 101 ship, I am sailing and keep a safe distance with me."

Military expert Song Zhongping said that the PLA's warships and fighters need English shouting.Following contact.

"In general, if the two -country aircraft carrier fleet meets in the public sea, the two sides should maintain a certain distance, but both parties will take off and land helicopters and carrier -based aircraft to do warning around each other's aircraft carrier fleet.In the absence of each other, the two sides will notify each other's identity and sailing purpose to each other, and will introduce themselves with each other."

In addition, there are two cases of shouting. One situation is that the Chinese ship machines are closer to the Chinese drill area during the exercise.In the area, you need to shout and drive away.

Another situation is that when the liberated warships are on duty, if you find that the opponent's warships and planes may enter the sensitive waters, such as Nansha, Xisha, etc.Will shout to ask the other party to stay away.

Song Zhongping said that both of these situations may appear during the period of the Shandong Ship's mission of the battle war.