The next day after the military shot down the fourth unknown flight object, John Kirby, spokesman for the National Security Council, said that China's spy ball plan has a limited contribution to intelligence surveillance (LIMITEDTo.

According to Bloomberg, Kerbirie said at a press conference held in the White House on Monday (February 13), "We now evaluate that this type of balloon provides other intelligence platforms used by China in the United States.The additional ability is limited. "

The Chinese balloon flying over the United States has caused national security concerns. The United States shot down a total of four flying objects in just over a week.China calls the balloon without spy, but is collecting meteorological data.

Following the Chinese balloon, three flying objects were shot down by the United States, one was over Alas California on Friday, the other was on Saturday in northern Canada, and the third was Sunday in Michigan.Officials did not disclose the nature of these three smaller flights, nor did they disclose whether they thought there was a connection with Chinese balloon.

Kobe said on Monday that the recycling of the wreckage continued. The shot out of Alaska and Canada fell in remote areas."Water".

He said that officials "have not been able to accurately evaluate what these objects are."

Kobe said that during Trump's office, there were several spy balls flying over the United StatesEssenceAnd Trump popularized some senior U.S. government officials who worked for him at that time to know that Chinese balloons entered American airspace.

Kobe said, "This kind of thing was in the previous government, but they did not find it. We found it. We followed it."

According to the Voice of the United States, in response to China ’s high -air balloon illegally flying over China more than ten times since the beginning of 2022, Kobe resolutely denied:" It is not true. (We) did not do so. Nothing at all.It is true. "He said:" We did not let the balloon fly over China. "