International Monetary Fund, World Bank and India will hold a virtual conference on Friday (February 17) to invite China, Saudi Arabia, and the Seventh -way Group, etc.Formulate solutions.

Comprehensive Bloomberg and Reuters reported that many people familiar with the matter revealed that the borrowing countries participating in the meeting include Ghana, Ethiopia and Zambia; creditors including France, the United States, the United Kingdom, China and Japan, and the International Financial Association, Global Financial Industry Association and two private sector creditors who have not disclosed their identities will also attend the meeting.In addition, Sri Lanka, Ecuador, and Suridan's special envoys will also attend.

A spokesman at the International Monetary Fund said that the purpose of the meeting was to gather the main stakeholders participating in the reorganization of sovereignty debt, from the traditional creditors of the developed economies to China, Saudi ArabiaNew creditors such as Arabia, India, as well as private sector and debt countries to solve the defects of current debt restructuring.

The spokesman confirmed that the meeting would be held on Friday, but did not disclose the participating countries, and said that more details will be announced in the near future.The World Bank and the U.S. Treasury refused to comment.

The virtual conference designed to deal with global debt issues is co -hosted by the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank and the G20 (G20).

The United States, World Bank and Zambia have been constantly urging China to accelerate the support of debt reduction to Zambia.The proposal has been explicitly rejected.

Zambia Finance Secretary also stated on Monday (February 13) that the country's government opposes China to the debt reduction of the World Bank to participate in Zambia because this requires the country's debt restructuring processFormation of interference.