(Beijing Comprehensive ") Due to the landslides of the balloon incident in Sino -US relations, the Chinese official media and People's Daily have issued a post for two consecutive days to strongly criticize the US democratic system as" false democracy and hegemony ".Interference in other domestic politics has been fulfilled and declined.

The People's Daily of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Sunday (February 12) published the signature "Bell", and the so -called "powerful" entitled American democracy is just an illusion article.Even in the face of increasingly intensive money politics, political polarization, social tearing, differentiation of rich and poor, racial discrimination, gun violence, etc., American politicians "are still the dream of the" city of the top of the mountain ".

A few days ago (February 11), the "Bell" column of the People's Daily also published a review article entitled that democracy should not be a tool for the United States for hegemony and domineering.Structural defects of the system, not self -deception.

This article states that the Bayeng government played "democratic cards" and sold the "democratic confrontation authority" narrative in foreign policies.The tool is "fake democracy and true hegemony".

Since February this year, Sino -US has once again exploded.China insisted that it was just a civilian meteorological balloon that drifted out of the United States out of control. The United States accused China of sending the "Spy Balloon Fleet" to collect information over the United States and the world's five continents. NATO also expressed concern.

Some Chinese scholars believe that the United States is using the new topic of balloon incidents to jointly promote the decoustration with China.