The continued tightness of balloon events in Sino-US relations dueIn the past, the US Navy and the Marine Corps conducted military exercises in the South China Sea last Saturday (February 11).

According to a press release issued on the official website on Sunday (February 12), the U.S. Navy's Seventh Fleet, the US Navy Nimitz Aircraft Carrier Strikes and Macin Island Amphibians Preparation Group and the 13th Navy they carriedThe Marine Expedition Team carried out a comprehensive expedition strike operation in the South China Sea last Saturday.

The press release stated that the Nimitz's aircraft carrier strike group showed the ability to seamlessly operate at the same time at sea, shore and the air, showing that the Magin Island amphibious preparation group and the 13th Navy Expeditionary team could provideAmphibious combat capabilities, this seamless navy integrates a strong military existence in the region to support regional peace and stability.

The press release does not explain when the exercise begins or whether it has ended.

The 11th aircraft carrier strike group commander Christopher Sweeney said that combining the ability of the strike group, amphibious preparation group and the Marine Corps expeditions, the U.S. military has expanded this blue -green team as aThe choice provided by the commanders of the United Forces and enhanced the ability of the navy to create the effects of the entire theater to support the Indo -Pacific Ocean of freedom and openness.

Tony Chavez, commander of the Macin Island Preparatory Group, also said: "As a ready -to -use response force at any time, we support extensive tasks, including the Navy's Marine Corps, humanitarian humanitarian, humanitarianThe disaster relief, as well as the potential opponent through visible and existing combat effectiveness. "

China has always advocated that it has sovereignty over the South China Sea and also opposes military activities in other countries in this area.The United States advocates freedom of navigation and flight, and every year, ships or military planes are dispatched to cross this controversial sea area.According to the data released by the "South China Sea Strategic Situment Performance Plan" of the "South China Sea Strategic Situation Pixel", the U.S. military dispatched a total of 64 secondary reconnaissance aircraft in January this year to the South China Sea for close reconnaissance.

With the continuous intensification of the competition between China and the United States, the United States has continued to strengthen its military deployment in the South China Sea.U.S. Defense Minister Austin announced earlier this month after meeting with the Philippine National Defense Minister Garvis that the Philippines agreed to open four military bases for U.S. military use.So far, the United States has nine military bases in the Philippines.