> As the official Chinese officials continued to criticize the US military's "stray balloon" that drifted over the United States, it was an excessive reaction. Chinese social media recently reviewed the hero of the Chinese army who shot down the American spy balloon in the 1970s of the 1970s.The deeds have been widely circulated, and even diplomats far away in France have acknowledged something.NotA actual records released by the official website of the Chinese Embassy in France. When the Chinese Ambassador to France, Lu Shayan, was interviewed by the French LCI TV to watch the world section on Monday (February 6).How to deal with it, this situation has happened several times, but every time China is low -key, there is no hype.NotWhen facing the confirmation of questioning, Lu Shaye talked, saying that he was "not an expert in the field", but after this balloon incident, he saw some reports and discussions on Chinese social media. "It is said that it is said thatThe balloon in the United States or other countries has also occurred in the case of Chinese airspace. "NotThe visitors asked Lu Shaye: "If it is a spy balloon, what will you (China) do?" Lu Shaye said that under the circumstances of very suspicious motivation, China has shot down the spy balls, but then clarify it again to clarify again.Relationship: "Of course this is the saying on social media, I have no conclusive evidence."

As an ambassador, it seems that Lushayo does not seem to know if China has shot down the American spy balloon.Or have it been authorized.His expressions are only more curious. What kind of legendary story is spread on social media?Not-1.jpg " />

Chinese Ambassador to France, Lushaya, said in an exclusive interview with French media that he saw the saying on social media about the high-altitude balloon of the US military in China.But there is no conclusive evidence.(Take from the official website of the Chinese Embassy in France)

Unknown Shooting Records

The wild said that in the past, China did have a low -key process of high -air balloon that may enter the country. It did not search for reports on the official media, and Lu Shaye did not give more details he saw.NotZhang Jing, a senior researcher at the Chinese Strategic Society, mentioned in the writing of Lianhe Zaobao, mentioned that in May 1974, the PLA had sent out the US military reconnaissance air balloon, and regarded the pilots who performed the task as a hero.It is worth mentioning that although Sino -US relations have been eased due to Sino -Soviet cracks and Nixon in 1972, the two countries have not officially established diplomatic relations.NotAfter more detailed time points is to search on the Internet, although there is no information about the source of authority, you can find a number of articles from different self -media accounts and the same content.Hero pilots shot down the American spy balloon over Hebei in 1974.NotThe earliest one in the article was published on August 30, 2021 on the headline platform by the media account "Rolling History" on August 30, 2021., Premier Zhou invited the National Day Enrollment. "Unfortunately, no matter this article or other articles about this deed, no source of information about the content of the content.

A giant balloon in the figure falls over the village.This black and white pictures appeared in many webs described in 1974.(Internet)

Observing the release time of these articles can be seen that this deed was except for the recent "stray" incident after the recent "stray balloon" incidentAfter turning out and mentioning it again, when the Russia -Ukraine War was stuck in the early last year, the relationship between Sino -US relations was even more intense, and it was also spread.NotWhat kind of deeds are this, why is it frequently mentioned in the past two years after more than 40 years of silence?

> Published on January 28 this year, the "Stray Still Balloon" incident was fully exposed a few days ago as an example.Orders to shoot down the American spy balls as the title selling point, and at the beginning, the balloon emphasized in 1974 was drifting into China after the Soviet Union that resisted the United States in the Cold War.NotIt was said that the spy balloon had been intercepted by the Elite Air Force of the Soviet Union at that time, but it was not successfully shot down.As a balloon floating from Xinjiang, China to Hebei, China's military secrets will be seen by the United States. "China will never allow the United States to be so arrogant and provocative and provocative."Not"This incident quickly alarmed the central government, and Premier Zhou, who had always been gentle and elegant, immediately changed his face and issued an instruction to the Air Force Headquarters:, Destroy the arrogance of the United States!

According to the web description, the PLA sent a total of four tasks of fighter-6 fighters to perform the task of shot balloons, ranking in the first place, ranking first.The three attack Dong Pei completed the shot mission. (Internet)
The article subsequently uses a lot of spaceThe first perspective describes the whole process of the PLA's Beijing Military Region, Dong Pei, to hit this balloon. According to the description, as the third -off intercepting pilot, Dong Pei quickly turned into a brain after seeing the failure of the first two people to fall down, and he quickly thought of a brain.The extremely bold new combat plan is to sacrifice yourself and the risk of the J-6 fighter that you are driving, and then shot down after the goal.

I can't think of so much. The sense of mission of the country has prompted only one idea in his heart, that is, he must try to shoot the balloon down!Never let it run away under the Chinese Air Force's artillery mouth!"

In the end, Dong Pei successfully shot down the American balloon and was not criticized for violating the regulations. Instead, he was regarded as a hero. The article then wrote that the news that successfully shot down was passed to the military region and reported to the leaders.The identity of the military model attended the 25th anniversary of the National Day. In addition, the shot of the balloon wreckage was also said to be exhibited at the Chinese People's Military Revolution Museum.

relatedThe photos of the pilot Dong Pei are all equipped with the pilot, but the original source of this photo is difficult to verify. (Internet)
Objectively speaking, these articles have a wonderful narrative. Many netizens have said that they are "easy to see", and they do not count such detailed descriptions, but there are no corresponding parties' interviews or memoirs as support.

The heroic deeds that are difficult to distinguish between true and false


In the report, hundreds of people's "Model Models of Workers, Peasants and Soldiers", "Advanced Workers", "Representative of Red Guards", and "Sub -district Resident Representatives" are indeed a person named "Dong Pei". However, is he the top?Dong Pei, a hero pilot that mentioned by Zhou Enlai personally, is unknown.

In addition, although some articles mentioned that Dong Pei returned to his hometown of Liuzhou, Guangxi in his hometown until he retired after this heroic deeds.However, the content related to this is not found on the Internet; it is said that it is Dong Pei's old photos, and only appears in the above article.NotThat is to say, the information about Dong Pei that can be found on the Internet can only appear in this legendary story recently.NotIt is said that the American spy balloon wreckage that was stored in the Military Revolution Museum could not find the corresponding exhibit information on the official website of the museum.Not-5.jpg " />

The only description of the balloon or airship in the official website of the Military Revolution Museum is finally mentioned in the introduction of the J-7 fighter.The J-7 shot down more than 300 high-altitude reconnaissance balloons.(Screenshot from the official website of the museum)

The only description of balloon or airship in the museum website is relatedThe introduction of the fighter aircraft mentioned that the PLA Air Force had drove-7 to the invasion of six enemy aircraft and more than 300 high-altitude reconnaissance balloons.However, this is also inconsistent with Dong Pei's driving in the network.NotIn terms of the record far from the J-7, in the promotional video in 2019, it was mentioned that the military shot down a powerless airship with the J-10. China has indeed shot down a lot in the past few decades.High -air balloon.But whether there are no spy balloons from the United States, whether Dong Pei's heroic deeds in 1974 are true, but it is not completely determined.

In the promotional video, the Air Force pilot of the PLA's southern theater driving the J-10C fighter shot down a ultra-high altitude investigation balloon.(Video screenshot)

If you want to further verify, you may only wait for the official speech, or orVisit the Military Revolution Museum in Beijing in Beijing to see if there is a balloon wreckage.NotAs the Ambassador Luson said, the Chinese official's treatment of the high -air balloon incident in the past was indeed low -key and could not be low -key, and the Zhengshi almost didn't mention it at all.However, it seems that at some opportunities, Yi Shi will flow out.The reason is that it is worth exploring the observer of political conditions. It seems that it is not difficult to understand in the context of Sino -US relations in recent years.However, because of this, Ambassador Lu faced the respondent in the television interview with the respondent whether China ’s condemnation of the United States to hit the ball of the United States was unavoidable.