(Phnom Penh News) China promises to allocate 300 million yuan (about 58 million yuan) to Cambodia to help Cambodia build railways and improve national living standards.

Cambodia Prime Minister Hun Sen visited China on Friday (February 10) and met with Chinese officials at the Diaoyutai State Guest House.

The Phnom Penh Post quoted the Cambodian National Television (TVK) reported that Chinese officials announced that they would allocate 300 million yuan to Cambodia at the meeting to help the country's railway construction.

The two parties affirmed the Cambodian -China Free Trade Agreement, which took effect on January 1 last year.This agreement has promoted the better entering the Chinese market in Cambodia's agricultural and fishing products.

Hun Sen welcomes the officials proposed by Chinese officials to build the "Industrial Development Corridor" and "Fish and Rice Corridor" initiative, and also called on Chinese officials to encourage more Chinese tourists to travel to Cambodia.

China officially emphasized that China has firmly supported Cambodia to maintain national sovereignty and security, and pointed out that the two countries can cultivate the "six -sided diamond" cooperation relationship in the six major areas of politics, production capacity, agriculture, energy, safety, and humanities., Push bilateral relations to the "new peak".

Hun Sen thanked China for the crown disease and other aids, which greatly supported the economic recovery of Cambodia after the crown disease.He also said, "If you don't rely on China, who should I rely on?"

Hun Sen is the first foreign guest that Chinese officials met after the Lunar New Year.During the first round of crown disease epidemic three years ago, Hun Sen was one of the few foreign leaders who visited Beijing during the peak of the epidemic.