(Jagada) A senior official in Indonesia recently revealed that President Zoko will issue a new policy to make Indonesians who have lost their nationality and overseas overseas due to the elimination of the Communist Party of China in 1965, and re -obtain citizenship.

In 1965, the Indonesian President Sakano, who tended to communism, was overturned by the military led by Suhado.After Suhado seized his power, he forced anti -Communist cleaning. All those who were suspected of being associated with the Communist Party could not be spared. Even Indonesian citizens who were studying and studied in the Communist countries such as the former Soviet Union, China, and the Czech Republic were also banned from returning to China.Those who have no nationality are forced to exile overseas.

The Jakarta Post has recently reported that Minister of Politics, Law and Security, Ma Ford, revealed that the government will restore the nationality of these exiles and guarantee that "they will have the same rights as other Indonesian citizens."

On January 11, Zoko unexpectedly acknowledged that a series of "seriously infringement of human rights" incidents in the past in Indonesia, including anti -Communist Cleansing and Black May riots in 1998 (or Indonesia's exclusion incident).He was deeply regretful for these incidents and promised to "restore the rights of victims in a fair and wise way."

Zoko will launch an apology journey to meet with the victims of human rights

Ma Ford said that Zoko will have a journey of apology and meet with the victims and family members who are violated by human rights to show that the government is determined to solve this political sensitive topic.Zoko will also visit locations where human rights violations occur, such as Azi Province (bleeding conflict between local rebels and government forces for many years) and Tarlangsari Village in the Bangbang province (1989 government forces said that local residents intend to establish Islamic State, Kaishing at hundreds of people killed hundreds of people).

Ma Ford said that Zoko also instructed the Foreign Minister Leatno and Human Rights Minister Assona to arrange him to meet with European exiles related to the anti -Communist Cleansing Cleansing.Once realized, this will be the first time that Indonesia has met with political exiles in 1965.

The Indonesian government has always avoided talking about human rights, and Zoko's attitude change can't help but cause doubts.Some people speculate that he tried to use human rights topics to get political capital.Indonesia will hold a general election next year. Legal expert Asfinovati pointed out that the human rights topic is often used as a major articles near the election year.

Muhammad, a staff member of the Indonesian Judicial Aid Foundation, wants to know how Zoko will have an apology journey.He said: "There are many victims of human rights being severely violated. Do Zako see every one? I hope that the president does not do this for beautifying the political image."

Usman, the executive director of the International Amnesty Organization Indonesia, calls on the government to immediately restore the political and citizenship of Indonesian exiles in Indonesia, because many exiles still fail to restore citizenship when they die. This is "obvious violation of human rights.