Little Marco said this trip "to establish closer political connections with major countries in this region, strengthen defense and security cooperation, and establish lasting lastingEconomic Partnership ".

(Tokyo / Manila Comprehensive) Philippine President President President Macos visited Japan. The two American intimate allies in the Philippines will strengthen defense cooperation, stand on the same line as the United States, and jointly fight against China in this area.

Maccoz moved to Tokyo at noon on Wednesday (February 8).He said before taking off: "My trip to Japan is extremely important. This is part of the larger foreign policy agenda. In the international environment, it is designed to establish a closer political connection with major countries in this region and strengthen defense.Cooperate with security and establish a long -lasting economic partnership. "

Pagot said that the priority areas seeking cooperation include agriculture, renewable energy, digital transformation, infrastructure, defense and safety.During the five -day visit, he will meet with Japanese Prime Minister Kishida and Emperor Deren.

Kishida Wenxiong and Macatus are expected to issue a joint statement, and the Japanese side will promise to provide the Philippines with a development assistance of 600 billion yen (about S $ 6 billion) to the Philippines by 2024, most of which will be used to accelerateInfrastructure construction, disaster prevention, and improvement of information technology.

Defense officials of the Philippines and Japan are also expected to sign an agreement to allow the Japanese Self -Defense Force to provide the Philippines with more military training and humanity and disaster relief assistance. It is estimated that this will be paved for the future deployment of the Self -Defense Force, making Japan easier to make it easier for JapanThe Self -Defense Force was sent to the Philippines.

A sources who are familiar with the internal Guoan discussion of the Ministry of Defense in Japan said: "As the United States deepen the relationship with the Philippines, Japan also joins it, which is important for regional security."

During the visit to the Philippines last week, the Philippines agreed to open four more military bases for U.S. military in the Philippines during the visit of the Philippines last week. As a result, the US base in the Philippines increased to nine. Some of them were very close to Taiwan.Important deterrence.

Experts: Philippine Japan deepen military contact can refer to the Japan -Australian intellectual access agreement

Japan is actively strengthening the defense connection with countries that have a wary of China.Japan signed an agreement with Australia a year ago with Australia, allowing both sides to send military personnel to the territory of the opponent; Japan also reached a similar agreement with the United Kingdom last month.Experts point out that the above agreements can provide a reference framework for the deepening of military contact in the Philippines.

The professor of the University of Japan Policy Research University, Tao Shima, said: "The Philippines is an important security partner in Japan ... If there is a conflict between the Taiwan Strait, the Philippine Sea will have strategic importance."

If Japan's establishment of military existence in the Philippines will help the Philippines' expansion in the South China Sea.

China claims to have almost the entire South China Sea, and the Philippines also claims that the sovereignty of the South China Sea. Marco recently vowed not to abandon the South China Oceanic territory.

or providing patrol boats to the Philippines to fight against the South China Navy

According to Japan -Philippine media reports, Japan's assistance to the Philippines may also include providing several Japanese -made patrol boats to the Philippines to help Manila respond to the increasingly frequent naval activities of China in the South China Sea.

In recent years, Japan has been particularly active to help Southeast Asian countries strengthen the coastal guards. It has provided 12 and nine patrol boats to the Philippines and Vietnam respectively.

Professor Shen Baoqian of Qingying University said that if the Philippine military base is allowed, the Japanese Self -Defense Force can expand the scope of activities, including the dispatch of reconnaissance aircraft to patrol the South China Sea.


The Japanese government adjusted its security and national defense strategies in December last year, and broke the long -term post -war peace constitutional regulations that the long -term development of the first -to -pre -issuer was included in the new security strategy.Tokyo also plans to turn national defense expenses within five years.