A report shows that the investment departments of American companies such as Intel and Qualcomm have invested about US $ 40 billion (about S $ 52.1 billion) to China Artificial Intelligence Corporation from 2015 to 2021.
According to Reuters, a report released by the CSET of the Science and Technology Policy Group of Georgen University in the United States shows that in the six years from 2015 to 2021, a total of 167 American investorsParticipated in 401 transactions, or accounted for about 17%of Chinese artificial intelligence companies during this period.
The report shows that the total value of these transactions is US $ 40.2 billion, accounting for 37%of the total funds raised by Chinese artificial intelligence companies during the six years, but it is not clear how many percentage of funds come from US companies.CSET is based on the information retrieved by the data provider CrunchBase to get the above data.
The report pointed out that Qualcomm and Intel Capital participated in 13 and 11 investments to Chinese artificial intelligence companies, while GGV Capital led the US company with 43 total investment.Some of the largest investments include Goldman Sachs Group's individual investment in China Artificial Intelligence Robotic Company Postal Intelligent (1KMXC), as well as three American venture capital companies' investment in Beijing's independent mobile robot company Beijing Jizhijia Technology (Geek+).
Reuters reported that the report was released in the United States' review of artificial intelligence, quantum technology and semiconductor investment.The Biden government is expected to announce an administrative order this year to curb US companies to invest in some sensitive Chinese technology industries, because Washington people have accused U.S. investors in transfer capital and precious technology to Chinese technology companies.Beijing's military capabilities.
According to the report of CSET, only one Chinese artificial intelligence company, which has received funds from American investors to participate in the development of artificial intelligence applications for military or public safety.