Former Australian Prime Minister KEVIN RUDD)The US President Biden and Chinese President Xi Jinping's meeting on Monday (November 14) made reasonable progress, indicating that these two competing countries are seeking to ease tensions.

According to Bloomberg, Lu Kewen said in an interview with Bloomberg TV host Haslinda Amin on Tuesday: "Honestly, US -China relations have been in a free fall for a long time for a long time for a long period of timeThings have gradually begun to lose control. "

He believes that if the previous Sino -US relations have scored 8 points in the full 10 points, then this Xi -worship will have allowed thisThe coefficient drops to 7 points.However, some bilateral mechanisms have now established some bilateral mechanisms, and this coefficient may be reduced by one level.

Xi Jinping and Biden held a historic face -to -face meeting on Monday.The United States claims that China and the United States agree to restore cooperation on issues such as climate change and food security, and also unanimously identify the importance of establishing the principle of guiding the guidance of Sino -US relations. In this regard, constructive discussions are conducted, and the work team between the two parties will follow up.

Bloomberg reports that both sides have taken the biggest steps over the years to avoid conflicts.In this regard, Lu Kewen said, "My judgment is that this is based on the tactical stability of the next few years", but he also said, "Xi Jinping still does not soften his position for Taiwan."