(Beijing Bloomberg) In the first Monday of China and the United States, the US Boeing Company was seen after alleviating the tensions of the two countries.

Bloomberg News reported on Tuesday (November 15) that after the Chinese official and US President Biden had a three -hour meeting in Bali, Indonesia, the two parties promised to continue to talk about a series of issues.

Bloomberg analyzed that although aircraft sales were not among the topic of the first China -US dollar talks, the relationship between the two countries has improved, which is a gratifying sign for Boeing.Mainland China ’s last time has received the Boeing 737 MAX aircraft for three and a half years; air crash, global epidemic, and Sino -US relations have continued to be tense, which are the factors that have repeatedly extended the delivery of Boeing passenger planes.

Boeing's competitors and air passenger cars temporarily lock the opportunities in the Chinese narrow -body aircraft market. This situation will continue until Biden can persuade China to re -open Boeing.

Boeing estimates that Chinese airlines will need 8485 new passenger planes and cargo aircraft in the next 20 years, worth $ 1.5 trillion (S $ 2.05 trillion), accounting for more than one -fifth of the global delivery.Airbus and local manufacturers China Commercial Fei cannot independently meet this demand.

With the increase of foreign contact between China and the United States, whether the White House will urge China if the White House will be urged on this issue.The Biden government focuses on Beijing's commitment to purchase tens of billions of dollars Boeing aircraft in accordance with the 2020 trade agreement.

People familiar with the matter revealed that the White House did not fight for Boeing for specific concessions. Instead, it was believed that the overall situation of Chinese economic behavior was not conducive to many American companies.

US trade representative Dai Qi said on October 28: "Boeing is a very important stakeholder, but Boeing itself does not determine our trade policy."

It is reported that the Senior Boeing Supervisor and other executives in the field of aviation have expressed frustration in the lack of progress in trade.