More than a dozen Chinese companies including Chinese chip manufacturer Yangtze Storage may be included in the entity list by the United States on December 6 as early as December 6.

According to Reuters, the US Department of Commerce included 31 Chinese entities in the "unknown list" last month, including the Yangtze River Storage Technology Co., Ltd..This has exacerbated the tension between China and the United States.According to the recent "Ear" (EAR) regulations issued by the United States, companies that have been included in the "unknown list" may be included in the stricter "physical list" 60 days later.

The United States has previously investigated whether the Yangtze River Storage regulations violated the US export control regulations due to Huawei, a Chinese technology giant that the Yangtze River storage chip had sold chips.

The Assistant Minister of the US Department of Commerce Matthew S. Axel is scheduled to give a speech at the International Affairs Society next Monday.Enterprises are also suitable for another 50 companies that have been on the list before.

The speech also said that if the United States failed to complete the final use inspection of the above -mentioned companies before December 6, these companies will face the risk of being included in the entity list as soon as December 6.

The Yangtze River Storage and the Chinese Embassy in the United States did not immediately respond to the request for comment.

Reports pointed out that US exporters must conduct additional due diligence before the US exporter will conduct additional due diligence and may have to apply for more licenses.

Once a company is included in the entity list, its US supplier must seek special permission in order to transport the company even a low -tech product.

The Chinese and American heads of state met at Bali, Indonesia on Monday afternoon. This is the first face -to -face meeting since Biden has been in the United States President in January 2021.

Under the impact of the Russian and Ukrainian war after the global peace and epidemic, the call of the international community has urged China and the United States to improve relations.The response to these voices in the great country.