Chinese President Xi Jinping and President of the United States President Bynden on Monday (November 14) in the evening "According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China, it is hoped that China and the United States should properly control the differences and control, promote mutual benefit cooperation, and promote Sino -US relations to return to the right track.

According to Global Network reports, Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Mao Ning said at a regular press conference on Monday that China's policy position on the United States is consistent and clear. China is committed to realizing mutual respect with the United States and mutual respect for each other.Honestly coexisting and win -win cooperation, while firmly defending the interests of its own sovereignty and security development.

Mao Ning said that China has always looked at and develop Sino -US relations in accordance with Xi Jinping's mutual respect, peaceful coexistence, and win -win cooperation, and advocating to promote the establishment of the correct way to get along with China and the United States in the new period.

She said that China hopes that the United States will do with China, properly manage differences, promote mutual benefit cooperation, avoid misunderstanding of misunderstandings, and promote the correct track of Sino -US relations to return to healthy and stable development.

Xi Jinping and Biden will meet at 5:30 pm on Monday.The meeting was the first face -to -face meeting since Biden and Xi Jinping became the head of state, and they had previously dealt with.Biden said that he got along with Xi Jinping for about 67 hours during his long senior senior senior senior senior senior senior senior senior sen.

The White House in the United States said that Biden hoped that the two would meet the communication channels and set up guardrails for the relationship between the two countries.Bayeng Sunday emphasized at the East Asian Summit that the communication channels between the United States and China will remain unobstructed to ensure that the competition between the two countries will not deteriorate into a conflict.He said that the United States will continue to compete with China, and will continue to express opinions on Chinese human rights records, while emphasizing the importance of Taiwan Strait and ensuring the importance of the freedom of HNA China.