The world-renowned China-US dollar meeting "Xi Mishe" session "After 3 hours and 12 minutes, it ended in the evening of Monday (November 14).

According to the news from the White House website, one of the results of this meeting was that the two leaders agreed to visit China, the Secretary of State Brillin, to follow up with the head of the head of the heads.

U.S. officials revealed after the worship meeting that Brins are expected to visit China early next year.

According to the White House website, US President Biden explained to Chinese President Xi Jinping during the talks that the United States will continue to compete with China, but competition between China and the United States should not slip to conflict.Control competition and maintain smooth communication channels.

The two leaders also discussed the importance of forming some principles to promote the above goals, and instructed their respective teams to discuss further.

They also agreed to authorize key senior officials to maintain communication, and deepened constructive efforts on topics such as China -US cooperation to respond to climate change and global economic stability.

Biden and Xi Jinping mentioned the issues of Xinjiang, Tibet, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Russia and Ukraine and the Korean Peninsula.