(Comprehensive News) The United States and China have many differences in global affairs, and countries around the world are increasingly worried that further breakdown between Sino -US relations will tear the global economy.In the global hope that Sino -US relations will not further deteriorate and the eager attention of war outbreaks due to Taiwan issues, Sino -US summits meet on Monday (November 14) in Bali, Indonesia.

US National Security Consultant Shaliwen told reporters on Sunday that Xi -worship may be "hours".He said: "The president believes that the United States and China are in a fierce competition, but this competition should not worsen into conflict or confrontation. We must responsibly manage competition ... The two countries also have areas that can cooperate." The performance of the US Democratic Party in the midterm elections is better than expected, allowing US President to worship the atmosphere.He told reporters in Phnom Penh, Cambodia on Sunday that it made him "stronger" when meeting with Chinese officials.This means that there are more room for him when dealing with foreign affairs, and it is more difficult for Republicans to destroy his foreign policy agenda.

According to Bloomberg's analysis, Chinese officials do not need to worry about domestic opposition pressure, because he has eliminated potential competitors at the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and established a team of members of the Politburo.So prepare.However, China's officials are facing increasing pressure from rigorous crown disease.The clearing policy has harmed the Chinese economy, causing more and more dissatisfaction.

The world's countries focusing on whether the Xi -worship will find consensus to ease bilateral relations, or permanently decoupling.U.S. officials tried to control the expectations of global worship meetings, and pre -stated that the Sino -US summit will not have a significant announcement.

At present, Xi Make is expected to achieve military and climatic cooperation, but there must be too high expectations for other affairs.After the US House of Representatives Perlis's trip to Taiwan this summer, China and the United States stopped various cooperation.McCarthy, the Republican leader of the House of Representatives, also showed intention to visit Taiwan, which will exacerbate relations between the Taiwan Strait and the Sino -US relations.

Tang Weikang, a former Consul General in Hong Kong and Macao, and a strategic consulting company Asia Group Management partner, said: "They know that the risk of" action -reaction cycle "will push up the tension situation, leading to more problems."

Bynden emphasized at the East Asian Summit on Sunday that the communication channels between the United States and China will remain unobstructed to ensure that the competition between the two countries will not deteriorate into a conflict.He said that the United States will continue to compete with China, and will continue to express opinions on Chinese human rights records, while emphasizing the importance of Taiwan Strait and ensuring the importance of the freedom of HNA China.

Monday's Xi -worship meeting was the first face -to -face meeting with Chinese officials since the Chinese official became the head of state.They have previously made a deal.Biden said that in his long senior senior and vice president's career, he got along with Chinese officials for about 67 hours.

Biden: You can understand each other with Chinese officials.

Bynden said at a press conference in Phnom Penh on Sunday: "I know him quite, he also knows me. We rarely misunderstand. What we need to do is to determine where the" red line 'is, and for usWhat is the most important thing in the year. Needless to say, everyone knows that his domestic situation is different from the past. "

Sarawan told reporters on Saturday's No. 1 of Air Force that Biden would ask China to cooperate with the United States to curb North Korea's nuclear military programs and military provocations, otherwise North Korea's wanton arrogance will only promote the United States to strengthen military deployment around the Korean Peninsula.

China Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian called on a routine press conference on Friday, calling on the United States and China to "go each other, properly manage and control differences, promote mutual benefit cooperation, avoid misunderstanding of misunderstandings, promote the correctness of returning to healthy and stable development in Sino -US relations.track".

The preliminary brewing of the worship meeting is similar to last year's worship.Biden and Russian President Putin met in Geneva last June. Before the United States, the United States showed intentionally to set the Guardrail for US -Russian relations to prevent further deterioration.Eight months after the worship, Russia invaded Ukraine, and the United States has cut off almost all of Russia.

However, Sino -US relations are different from the United States and Russia.First of all, the China and the United States are highly dependent on each other, and secondly, Biden also faces the pressure of many countries, especially the Ayanan countries. These countries do not want to further intensify regional tensions because of the Taiwan issue.

Sun Yun, the director of China Project Director of the Statin Research Center of Washington Think Tank, USA, said: "Beijing's concern for the meeting of Xi -Malaysia is what it can show the world by meeting, not what it can get directly from the meeting.Although cooperation is important, it is not the only priority task. "