) In the afternoon, he will meet with Chinese President Xi Jinping.The White House in the United States said that Biden hoped that the two would meet the communication channels and set up guardrails for relations between the two countries.

Comprehensive Bloomberg and Agence France -Presse reported that no famous White House officials told reporters on Monday that Biden will seek the foundation for the relationship between the two countries and strengthen communication with responsible and pragmatic attitudes.Human talks have also been widely supported.

These officials said that the meeting itself helps to recover more normal communication with Beijing. "All of this is to ensure that competition will not evolve into conflict."

According to the news released by the White House, Biden and Xi Jinping will meet at Bali, Indonesia at 5:30 pm on Monday.Essence

National Security Consultant Shaliwen Sunday (November 13) told reporters that Xi -worship may be "hours".He said: "The president believes that the United States and China are in a fierce competition, but this competition should not worsen into conflict or confrontation. We must responsibly manage competition ... The two countries also have areas that can cooperate."

Bynden emphasized at the East Asian Summit on Sunday that the communication channels between the United States and China will remain unobstructed to ensure that the competition between the two countries will not deteriorate into a conflict.He said that the United States will continue to compete with China, and will continue to express opinions on Chinese human rights records, while emphasizing the importance of Taiwan Strait and ensuring the importance of the freedom of HNA China.

The world's attention can find a consensus that ease bilateral relations, or permanently decoupling.However, U.S. officials tried to control the expectations of global worship meetings, saying that the U.S. -China leader would not have a significant announcement.These U.S. officials believe that the meeting between the two is only the first step, not a decisive showdown.