Indonesia takes over the President of the Asian Round Dama. Indonesian President Zoko emphasized that Asia's Dan'an must be a peaceful area and a global stable pillar, always maintaining international law and not becoming an agent of any major country.

The Asian Security Summit and Series Meeting Sunday (November 13) ended in Phnom Penh, Cambodia.Southeast Asia has continued to have international diplomatic activities this week. This year's Twenty Group (G20) summit will be appeared in Indonesia. The first face -to -face talks between the US President Biden and the official Chinese official will be held by the summit.

In addition to calling on Asia to avoid becoming an agent of the great powers, Zoko also said during his speech on Sunday afternoon at the submission ceremony of the Chairman of the Asian Danan Run, and also said that Yaxian must be a dignified area to maintain the values of human and democracy."Yaxian should not let the current geopolitical dynamics evolve into a new cold war in this area."

I hope to promote the Growth Center of Asianship

In terms of economy, he emphasized that Asians must be a region with strong economic growth, tolerance and sustainable.The ability of Ya'an must also be strengthened to cope with the challenges of the next 20 years, so that this regional organization is more good at response, response faster, and more competitive.

Indonesia therefore hopes to promote the Epicentrum of Growth while serving as the chairman of the Ayanian Run.

Zoko also urged other member states to fight for the achievement through the Asian dimension, that is, adhering to the spirit of cooperation and comprehensively implementing the Asian Charter.

The new Prime Minister Li Xianlong, who was attending the summit on Friday, also pointed out that the member states of Asian'an did not want to choose the side station, but to form a "partner circle" overlapping with all parties.

Before the three -day visit to Phnom Penh on Sunday, he said in an interview with Singapore media that unless the member states could cooperate effectively, Yajia'an would not be able to maintain its core position and would not be valuable to partners.

He summarized this summit that in the past two years, the leaders of Asian'an have met online. Although the cooperation is still continuing, to solve the real difficult problems, we must face face -to -face, negotiate, and negotiate. In the end, conclusions have been reached.Essence


The Asian Security Summit has resumed the entity after three years. Li Xianlong believes that this is very useful. This summit not only has to deal with the situation of Myanmar situation and the application of East Timor to join Yajian'an. The member states of the Asian'an are also discussing the expansion and deepening cooperation.

At this summit, the relationship between the United States and India and Asians upgraded to a comprehensive strategic partner. The free trade agreement between Asia and Australia and New Zealand was upgraded.Li Xianlong said that these essential and specific plans can make Ya'an more valuable to member states and partners.

The United States and Russia failed to use the word Dada to consensus the East Asia Summit to jointly declare the difficulty in giving birth

On the eve of the

"Xi Mobilizer", the interaction between the United States, China and Russia at the East Asian Summit also attracted much attention.

The East Asian Summit participated in 17 countries on Sunday at about 10.30 am (Singapore time was about 11:30) on Sunday in Phnom Penh.Biden had not arrived at the venue at the time, and the American seat was vacant.

According to the report of the White House press group, Bayeng arrived at the Soca Hotel where the summit was located at 10.53 am (Singapore time at 11.53 am).

According to Bloomberg, the United States and Russia failed to reach the language used in the East Asian Summit's joint statement.Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov on behalf of Russia attended the East Asian Summit to blame the United States and his allies responsibilities, saying that they used the "unacceptable language" on the Ukrainian situation.

Russia is resolutely not accepted to invade it into Ukraine as "war", but called it "special military operations."

The chairman of the East Asian Summit stated that the final word was "military conflict".In the statement, the part of the strengthening of energy cooperation mentioned that the East Asian Summit participated in the country's serious attention to the surge and fluctuation of energy prices, as well as the interruption of the supply chain.Affected by the negative impact of other military conflicts and the role of crown disease, global economy, energy security, and people's well -being and livelihood are being affected unprecedented.