New Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong said that deep strategy between China and the United States may be upgraded by spiral.A potentially burning point is the South China Sea. Therefore, Asian'an should continue to adhere to the freedom of navigation and flight, and insist on the dispute according to international law, especially the United Nations Convention on the Marine Law.

The depth of China and the United States may be upgraded by spirals, and the global extensive technology bifurcation and supply chain division may also occur.New Prime Minister Li Xianlong said that there is a most likely to interpret each other's actions and intentions from the worst perspective, which will bring severe consequences to both parties, the region and the world. One of the potential burning points is the South China Sea.

Li Xianlong's speech on Friday (November 11) at the 41st Asia Simpan Summit, it emphasized that Asia should work hard to build a stable and constructive regional architecture.Whether Ya'an can maintain the role and reputation depends on the political will of maintaining unity and maintaining the core position of Asian safe security, "member states should cooperate to avoid the division of this area."

Li Xianlong said that the world has witnessed the intensification of geopolitical tensions and the aggravation of large powers.Russia invaded Ukraine in February this year, obviously violated international law, directly crack down on the core spirit of the United Nations Charter, ignores the principles of sovereignty, territorial integrity and political independence that is vital to all countries, and has caused many people to be killed.

He said: "We should continue to urge all parties and powers to find fast and peaceful solutions."

The global extensive technology fork and supply chain division may appear completely

For the world, a longer -term and greater problem is the tension between China and the United States.

Li Xianlong emphasized that the deep strategy between China and the United States may be upgraded by spiral -type, and the global extensive scientific and technological split and supply chain division may appear completely.

He said that according to the current trend, the two countries are likely to do the worst interpretation of each other's actions and intentions, bringing severe consequences to both parties, regions and the world.

A potential burning point is the South China Sea.Li Xianlong said that Ya'an Ying continued to adhere to the freedom of navigation and flight, and insisted on disputes to be resolved peacefully according to international law, especially the UNCLOS Convention (UNCLOS).Asian'an should also continue to work with China to consult the South China Sea Conduct to minimize the probability of accidents and situation upgrades.

He emphasized that the member states of the Asian'an do not want to choose the side station, but to form a "partner circle" overlapping with all parties, and ensure that all parties from all outside are based on the advantages of Asia's own and these conditions to contact Asiansan.Essence

Ya'an must also be open and tolerant of external partners.Li Xianlong said that the common vision of ASEAN OUTLOOK on the Indo-Pacific on behalf of Ya'an, that is, our partners should contact Yaxian in a way to help the region grow and stable.

Following the Asian Summit, the East Asian Summit is also held on Sunday (November 14). U.S. President Biden and Chinese Prime Minister Li Keqiang will meet at the summit.At present, the East Asian Summit, which participated in the country, also shows how Aya An An has gathered to discuss the development of the situation and deepen cooperation.

Lee Xianlong revealed that Asian'an is improving the free trade agreement with Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and China, and exploring new cooperation areas with these countries, such as the digital economy, sustainable development and energy.

The United States and India will also upgrade the relationship with Asan this year into a comprehensive strategic partnership.Coupled with the existing partners in Australia and China, countries that establish comprehensive strategic partnerships with Asianan will increase to four.