It is considering that Tesla is considering that China will be China who will be thinking about China in ChinaThe manufactured Tesla electric vehicles were exported to the United States for sale, which reflects the continued strengthening of the cost advantage of the Tesla Shanghai plant, and on the other hand, it also reflects the slowdown in the demand for Chinese consumers.

According to Reuters on Saturday (November 12), two people familiar with the matter reported that Tesla has been studying whether their parts produced in China are in accordance with US norms.If it meets, Tesla can export the Model Y and Model 3 made in China as soon as possible to the United States for sales, even Canada.

Tesla did not immediately respond to the comment request.After the report was released, Tesla founder Musk then posted a post in Twitter, saying "False", but did not explain what the post was specifically referred to.

People familiar with the matter said that factors such as the decline in the exchange rate of the RMB against the US dollar, the decline in the price of Chinese raw materials, and the rise in the price of Tesla and the new car in the United States have made China's exports to the United States with potential cost competitiveness.

Tesla Model Y is priced at about 49,344 yuan (USD, Same as S $ 67,734) in China, and the price in the United States is as high as US $ 65,990.However, the import of cars produced in China must face 27.5%tariffs, and light trucks must be levied 25%of tariffs.

However, if this plan is implemented, it may bring new problems to American consumers.According to the clauses and production incentives signed by President Biden Biden, the subsidies that each car can get may be different because the car is imported from other countries.

The bill provides consumers who purchase electric vehicles up to $ 7,500 (S $ 1095) to buy a rebate, which aims to promote auto manufacturers to reduce dependence on China.It is reported that Tesla is considered to be the main beneficiary of the Biden government's inflation reduction bill (IRA). Therefore, after the implementation of this plan, political disputes may be triggered.

Tesla has always been produced in the factory sold by Fremontin and Austin, California, for cars sold in the United States. At present, Tesla also plans to upgrade the company's production capacity of the Berlin factory.To reduce the needs of export cars from China.

However, after the Tesla Shanghai Super Factory is upgraded this year, 1.1 million electric vehicles can be produced each year, becoming Tesla's largest manufacturing center.

In addition to the Model 3 and Model Y electric vehicles produced in the Shanghai factory, in addition to being sold in China, they also exported to markets such as Europe, Australia and Southeast Asia.

It is reported that Tesla is not the first company to ship Chinese -made cars to the United States. GM has adopted this method a few years ago. At that timeThe government applied for a 25%tariff exemption, but it was not successful.