Regarding whether the outside world pays attention to the China -US dollar meeting in the G20, the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that the two sides are communicating with this, and called on the United States to go with China to properly control the differences and avoid misunderstanding.

U.S. President Biden Biden said at a press conference at the White House on Wednesday (November 9) that he hopes to discuss with Chinese President Xi Jinping at the Summit of the 20th National Group (G20) summit in Indonesia next week.Including Taiwan and trade, he will not make "fundamental concessions" in the talks.The proposal to meet in Bali Island is currently communicating with the two parties.

When responding to the reporter's questioning "whether Xi Jinping will meet with Biden on the G20", Zhao Lijian said, "There is no news that can be provided at present, please keep your attention."

Zhao Lijian also said that China is committed to achieving mutual respect, peaceful coexistence, and win -win cooperation with the United States, while firmly defending its sovereignty, security, and development interests.He reiterated that the Taiwan issue is the core of China's core interests. A Chinese principle is the basis of the political foundation of Sino -US relations. The three joint communiqués are the most important guardrails of Sino -US relations.

He emphasized that the United States should stop blur, empty, and distort a Chinese principle, abide by the basic criteria for respecting other countries' sovereignty and territorial integrity, and not interfere with the internal affairs of the internal affairs.A Chinese principle comes.

Zhao Lijian said that the essence of Sino -US economic and trade relations is mutually beneficial and win -win. The United States should stop political and trade issues, to maintain market economic rules and international trade systems with actual actions.

Zhao Lijian pointed out that "the development relationship between the country is not the other is the other." China has always advocated that the development does not have an inclusive partnership for third parties, and opposes the forcing other countries to choose a team.

He urged the United States to do with China, properly manage differences, promote mutually beneficial cooperation, avoid misunderstanding and misjudgments, and promote the correct track of Sino -US relations to return to healthy and stable development.

G20 Summit will be held in Bali, Indonesia from November 15th to 16th. There are currently 17 national leaders who have been confirmed to attend the summit, including Biden and Xi Jinping.