Over the past few hundred years, because of the common efforts of the world and the development of the same technical system, it has been able to reduce the cost of many technology.Once China and the United States have embarked on the road of technology decoupling, they will compete for their respective systems and restrict each other, which will not only cause inflation to intensify, but also further disturb the global system.

In the international order of the opposite country, we must continue to strengthen cooperation in three aspects of science, technology and supply chain. Dr. Vivian, Minister of Foreign Affairs, suggested that countries outside China and the United States can promote the "Unreceptional Movement" in these fields and establish a one to establish a one to establish a one and establish a one to establish a one to establish a one and establish a one.Multi -pole, openness and rules -based environment.

The second Step Global Conference of the Second Economic Project Countermeasure opened on Wednesday (November 9th), and Victoria talked about how technical nationalism would affect world prosperity in his speech.

Sino -US technology decoupling may cause global division and no longer prosperity and peace

He said that since the European Renaissance and the Industrial Revolution, the world has worked hard for the same technical system, including basic science, applied science, technology and goods.In the past one or two centuries, it has accelerated progress and cost reduction.Taking the chip as an example, the manufacturing cost has declined and the power has increased.The differentiation of the common technology system will lead to increased costs.

"Not only that, technical decoupling will further disrupt the global system. And this global system has always been the power to promote world peace, stability and prosperity in the 75 years after the end of World War II.It is more divided, differentiated, less prosperous, internal inflation is higher, and more discomfort. "

Vivian said that other countries are dependent on, and they also hope to use the technical and economic strength of the two major powers of China and the United States.Regardless of software or hardware, how much overlap the Chinese and American systems depends to a large extent on whether the two countries are willing to contact and interact with each other.

If China and the United States cannot compromise, he believes that other countries must try to build a more open and inclusive multilateral network in the field of science, technology and supply chain, and recommend that it is not an alliance in these fields."Everyone must promise to keep scientific openness, share and obtain intellectual property rights fairly. To build a system that can compete with each other, it is the most innovative, reliable and trustworthy, not who choose which camp."

Whether it can achieve technical non -alliances, although it is too early, but Vivian said that he just put this suggestion on the table and told all countries that everyone had the right to maximize the rejection of the side stations.

The original unreasonable movement began in the 1960s. At that time, the international community launched this movement in order to check the bipolar system with the United States and the Soviet Union.A total of 120 countries joined, and Singapore became one of them in 1970.

When summarizing the third law of Newton, Weiwen said that each action will have an equal and opposite reactions. I hope that friends of the strong country will remember this, and remember that other countries "have the right to choose the right and options, seek opening up and seeking openness and seeking to open up and seeksTolerance architecture.

The global conference of economic topics is co -organized by Li Guangyao's School of Public Policy and the Peterson Institute of International Economic Research.

Yang Rongwen: Mei Ruo's selfish change will lose their moral status

The activity lasted three days until Friday (November 11) ended.The organizer also invited Yang Rongwen, a visiting scholar and former Foreign Minister of Foreign Minister Li Guangyao's School of Public Policy on Thursday.

The United States has repeatedly tightened the export of Chinese chips and semiconductor equipment in the near future, and declared war to China technically.Yang Rongwen takes the papermaking technology and gunpowder invented by China as an example. It is said that these technologies are unique for a long time, but in the end, it cannot prevent technology outflow.Similarly, the United States is under the jurisdiction of long arms to prevent other countries from exporting technology to China. This can only be delayed but cannot prevent China from obtaining these technologies.

He said that everyone has been used to "peace under the United States" and the international system established by the United States for a long time, but now the United States believes that this system is not conducive to it and wants to change.Yang Rongwen believes that if the United States seek changes in a selfish way by the United States, it will lose its moral status. If the United States is willing to turn to a multi -polar system, the transition process will be much easier for all countries.