(Washington News) The Ministry of Justice of the United States issued a statement on Monday (November 7) that the 67 -year -old U.S. Army Helicopter pilot and civil contractor Shapour Moinian, who served as an agent of the Chinese governmentAnd accept thousands of dollars to provide information to China. The information related to the employer of the national defense contractor and the aviation -related information was sentenced to 20 months in prison.

According to Voice of the United States, according to the confession agreement, when Monian's retirement from the US Army, he was responsible for the US military and intelligence agencies when working on a background investigation by the background investigation.Planting aviation projects.

During this period, a Chinese who claimed to work in a technical recruitment company contacted Monian, allowing him to provide a chance to consult the Chinese aviation industry.

In March 2017, Monian went to Hong Kong to meet with the so -called recruiter and promised to provide information and materials related to designing or manufacturing various types of aircraft in the United States in exchange for compensation.

Monanian received a remuneration of about 7,000 to $ 10,000 (NAND 9793 to 13990) when meeting.

When he met, he already knew that the people who met him were hired or instructed by China.

The Ministry of Justice also said that after returning to the United States, Monian began to collect information related to aviation and transfer the information to the U disk.

In September of the same year, he went overseas and met with Chinese government officials during the stay at Shanghai Airport. He provided information related to aviation through the U disk, including the exclusive information of defense contractors.