16 stations on a brisk railway line in Kuala Lumpur, the capital of Malaysia. On Wednesday (November 9th), there was no warning in the early morning without warning, and hundreds of thousands of commuting people were affected.The guardian government said that this was a rare event and apologized to the public.Analysts believe that such a major public transportation incident during the campaign will inevitably impact the election of the Barisan Nasional in the Xuelong Metropolitan area.

Rapid KL, a public transport operator, announced on Twitter on Wednesday at 5 am on Wednesday at Twitter that the 16 stations of Grana Jaya Light Corporal (LRT) were suspended from 6 am for seven days from 6 am.The remaining sites of the same route will operate as usual, but the operation time will end early until 11 pm.Kuala Lumpur Express is a subsidiary of the National Infrastructure Corporation of the Ministry of Finance.

Azharuding, chairman of the National Infrastructure Construction Corporation, held a press conference afterwards that the stop of the stop was due to the fault of the speed automatic control system (ATC) of the light rail, causing a connection problem between the control center and the train.It may lead to a collision accident in the train.The official was forced to suspend the operation of these stations for the safety of the people.

Quickly arranged a large number of people who were evacuated by bus evacuation at light railway stations, but many people found that the site stopped when the light -rail station was discovered, causing the scene to be confused.

What to make these commuters worsen is that the buses of the public at the light iron stations are in short supply, and road traffic traffic is more serious, and the people immediately blame the lightning iron station to stop.

However, a spokesman for the Kuala Lumpur police said that the number of car accidents caused by rainy days is the cause of abnormal traffic congestion, which has nothing to do with the shutdown of the light iron station.

The opposition party immediately criticized the guarding government.Lu Zhaofu, a candidate for the Democratic Action Party Furong National State, vowed that once the Pakatan Harapan re -governed the central government, it would be a top priority to regard the issue of the light -fast iron system.

Li Jiancong, a candidate for Pakatan Highlights of Pakatan Harapan, criticized the relevant minister at the press conference.He said that the care of the Cabinet Minister is busy with the election, but these ministers still have to perform their daily positions.

After the Minister of Detention, Wei Jiaxiang, after going to Aiyaman to attend the campaign on Wednesday afternoon with the guard Prime Minister Eismishabile on Wednesday afternoon.

Wei Jiaxiang said that the influential route has been operated for 24 years, and the operation period of 25 years is only one year.The official had allocated RM550 million (about 44.71 million yuan) for upgrading last month. Unexpectedly, it was forced to suspend the update project.

Scholars: Voters will have comparative governance ability

Pan Yongqiang, a political scholar in Malaysia, is a resident of Xuelong.He told Lianhe Zaobao that the incident occurred during the campaign, so he specially tested the response ability of the guardian government.He pointed out that Lu Zhaofu, the Minister of Transport of the Pakatan Harapan, is currently the Secretary -General of the Democratic Party, and voters will compare the governance capabilities of both sides, which will inevitably be bad for MCA.

He said: "The Xuelong Metropolitan area is the security zone of the opposition party. This incident will consolidate the support of the Pakatan Harapan and will also affect the voting orientation of the voters in the middle and rural constituency in Xuelong."