The U.S. Department of Justice on Monday (November 7) stated that the former US Army helicopter and civil contractor Shapour Moinian, who lived in San Diego, California, was 67 -year -old, was sentenced to 20 months for 20 monthsThe imprisonment was charged as an agent of the Chinese government and accepted the represented by the Chinese government for thousands of dollars to provide China with information about the employers of its national defense contractors.

According to Voice of the United States, the US Department of Justice stated: "According to the court documents, Monian served in the United States, Germany, and South Korea from 1977 to 2000.Monian's various national defense contractors who have passed background investigations through the background investigation of the United States (including San Diego) and the Ministry of National Defense.Project. "

According to his confession agreement, when Moniann was responsible for a variety of aviation projects used by the military and American intelligence agencies when he obtained a background investigation by a background investigation.A Chinese person contacted him in the meantime, claiming to work in a technical recruitment company to provide Monian with opportunities to consult the Chinese aviation industry.

In March 2017, Monian went to Hong Kong to meet with the so -called recruiter and promised to provide information and materials related to multiple types of aircraft designed or manufactured in the United States for compensation.At that time, Monianan accepted the remuneration of about 7,000 to 10,000 US dollars (S $ 9793 to S $ 13990).According to his guilty agreement, in this meeting and all the subsequent meetings, Monanian already knew that the people who met him were hired or instructed by China.

The Statement of the US Department of Justice also said that Monanian started collecting materials related to aviation after returning to the United States, including the material from the "National Defense Contracting Performer that has passed the background" (CDC)Transfer the information to the U disk.In September 2017, Monianan went overseas and stayed at the Shanghai Airport to meet with Chinese government officials halfway, and provided materials related to aviation through the U disk, including "the background investigating the national defense contractor"Exclusive information.

Since then, Monian has arranged for a pay for his step -girl bank account in South Korea.Monian told him his step -girl that these funds were his return on overseas consultation and instructed her to transfer funds to him through multiple transactions.