Regarding the United States' regulations on the implementation of cutting -edge semiconductor exports in China, the United States urges that Japan and other allies to keep their pace with the United States as soon as possible.Experts believe that Japan will choose to cooperate with the United States regulations that Japan -China trade transactions will not be affected too much, but China's emotional response is worrying.

According to Voice of the United States, the United States requires allies to introduce restrictions on the implementation of cutting -edge semiconductor exports in China. US Secretary of Commerce Raymond said that "Japan and the Netherlands may follow us" and plan to target these two countries.Pressure is urged to keep pace with the United States as soon as possible.

Japan produces about 15%of the world's semiconductor, and is particularly good at manufacturing production lines for cutting -edge chips.China has long been an important market for a long time.

Cai Xixun, a professor at the Master of Political Education and Economics Research of Tamkang University, said that the Japanese Cabinet Conference this month will decide the 222nd Correction Budget for the second -generation research base of China -US cooperation.(S $ 3.364 billion), the production base of the apex supports about 450 billion yen. It can be seen that Japan's expectations of the overseas bases are out of the dependence on China.

He said: "In the international order of Hou Abe (Times), semiconductors are not only the consideration of security guarantee or economic benefits. In order to expand a position in the world, Japan will inevitably cooperate with the United States and try to recaptureSemiconductor dominance to avoid China's advantage in obtaining semiconductors. "

Kangji Kangyu, the Japanese Economic and Industry, said at the press conference on November 1st."According to communication, listen to the opinions of domestic enterprises. "

In 2021, Japan -China trade volume reached 371.4 billion US dollars, an increase of 17.1%year -on -year.China imported $ 205.5 billion from Japan, an increase of 17.7%.For the restrictions on business opportunities in China with a huge market, many related companies in Japan are evaluating the impact on business in detail.

Japan is also observing the trend of the EU and South Korea's restrictions on the United States. Among them, South Korea's export semiconductor in China accounts for 60 % of its national semiconductor exports. Samsung Electronics has semiconductor factories in China.Analysts believe that South Korea, which has previously taken into account both China and the United States and maintaining a balanced diplomacy, will face the difficulties of choosing stations.