As China Confucius Institute has been closed in various countries in recent years, another less well -known China Vocational and Technical Training Center Luban Workshop is settled in countries along the Belt and Road.Expert analysis is that Beijing is winning developing countries to obtain more political space.

According to the Voice of America Sunday (November 6), China Confucius Institute has been frequently questioned in recent years. In the past four years, 104 Confucius Institutes in American universities have been closed.Prior to that, the Luban Workshop had settled in countries along the Belt and Road.

Since the first Luban workshop in 2016 has been established in Thailand, there are currently 19 countries in the world that have established 25 Luban workshops.Egypt, Ethiopia, India, Pakistan, Thailand, Portugal, and Central Asian countries can find the Luban workshop everywhere.

The Luban Gongfang was launched by the Tianjin Municipal Government. It is named by the well -known artisan Luban in Chinese history to provide vocational education to residents in countries along the Belt and Road.From the integration of electromechanical to the application of electronic technology, from automation to robots, the projects of Professor Luban Workshop in various places are adjusted with local needs.

The output mode of the Luban Workshop and the Confucius Institute is basically the same, that is, China's vocational and technical schools are looking for local partners, landing and opening courses in local schools, teaching China standard related technologies, and students after graduation after graduation.Invest in serving local projects.

Dirk Van Der Kley, a researcher at the National College of Global Management of the National University of Australia, said: "The Luban workshop can shape the narrative of China’ s behavior in the host country, which aims to give more space for political activities in China.P>

"According to the current scale, Luban Workshop's contribution to the host country is limited, and their role as a geopolitical or soft power tool is also limited.However, if the workshop continues to expand the scale, this may change this situation. "

The Chinese plan of the Luban Workshop is the Tianjin Municipal Government.Education Network. At the opening ceremony of the China -Africa Cooperation Forum in 2018, Xi Jinping proposed to set up 10 Luban workshops in Africa. This year, Xi Jinping was with Turkmenistan President Beldemumadov, Tajikistan President Rahmon, KilgisstanDuring the meeting of President Zaparov, he mentioned the construction of the Luban workshop in their country.

Van Detkley said: "Although the Luban Gongshi is responsible for the Tianjin Municipal Government, Xi Jinping and other senior leaders of ChinaThis high -profile system is frequently mentioned when meeting with foreign heads, which shows that this project is now supported by the Chinese central government."

According to the Ministry of Education of China, Luban Workshop brings the local" teaching model, professional standards and teaching resources with Chinese characteristics.