The United States recently put pressure on Japan and the Netherlands, requiring the two countries to prevent advanced chip technology from flowing to China. Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian respondedIt is said that the United States has political and economic and trade issues politicized and tooling, and engage in technical blockade of other countries, "will eventually only block its own way."NotOn Monday (November 7), he hosted a regular press conference to put pressure on Japan and the Netherlands in response to the recent pressure on Japan and the Netherlands. It is required that the two countries and the United States to prevent advanced chip technology from flowing to China and said, "The US move is not a big country to do.. "

Zhao Lijian pointed out that the United States abuses national power, relying on technological advantages, and economic stress on allies to maintain its own hegemony and private interest. It is nothing new.NotIt is mentioned that the United States has known science and technology and economic and trade issues politically, tools, and ideology, and has a technical blockade to other countries.NotSaid: "In an attempt to block others, it will only block your own way."

Zhao Lijian emphasized that China hopes that relevant parties will adhere to an objective and fair position and make a correct judgment independently from their long -term interests and fundamental interests of the international community.