For the 2022 National Defense Strategic Report released by the US Department of Defense on October 27, Tan Kefei, a spokesman for the Ministry of National Defense, said that the content of China -related content in the report belongs to the old -fashioned concept of the Cold War and the concept of zero game conceptsbomb.

According to the official website of the Ministry of National Defense on Friday (November 4), a spokesperson for the Ministry of Defense Tan Kefei said that the content of China in China in the 2022 National Defense Strategy Report will continue its national security strategy report "The error argument of threat driving, ignoring the facts to rendering the so -called "challenges" and competition in large powers, using the planning of the US defense strategy to discredit China's normal military development, which is a heavy bomb that is a cold war thinking and zero -harmony concept.China expressed its resolute opposition and had strictly negotiated to the United States.

Tan Kefei said that China has unswervingly follow the path of peaceful development and firmly maintains the international system with the United Nations as the core.China has always maintained the Asia -Pacific peace, promoting the development of Asia -Pacific, and participating in the Asia -Pacific cooperation, and is committed to building a community of Destiny of Asia -Pacific.A powerful Chinese army is not only a strategic support for defending national sovereignty, unity, and territorial integrity, but also a firm force in maintaining peace and stability of the world and region.This is obvious to the international community.Those countries that stubbornly pursue their own interests priority and gangs in the Asia -Pacific region are "integrated deterrence" in the Asia -Pacific region, which is the international system and the "step -by -step challenge" of the Asia -Pacific region.

He pointed out that Taiwan is Taiwan, and Taiwan's issue is China's internal affairs, and no foreign interference is allowed.At present, the United States is constantly blurring and hollowing out a Chinese principle, intensifying the "control of Taiwan". These bad behaviors seriously violate China's sovereignty and territorial integrity, and seriously endanger the peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait.The Chinese People's Liberation Army continued to practice for war and resolutely counterc counterities of the "Taiwan independence" division activities and external forces interference.

Tan Kefei said that China firmly pursues the nuclear strategy of self -defense defense and adheres to the nuclear policies of nuclear weapons at any time and under any circumstances.China has actively participated in the process of international military control, disarmament and anti -proliferation, and has signed or added more than 20 multilateral military control, disarmament and anti -proliferation treaties including non -diffusion nuclear weapons treaties.Instead, the United States destroyed the contract in the field of military control and preventing diffusion, accelerated the upgrading of nuclear weapons and their carrier tools, reduced the threshold for use of nuclear weapons, and cooperated with the United Kingdom and Australia to cooperate with nuclear submarines to exacerbate regional nuclear diffusion risks.

Tan Kefei shows that China urges the United States to abandon the Cold War and Zero and take off colored glasses, correct the misunderstanding of China, treat the development of China and the Chinese army rationally, adopt an objective and pragmatic attitude, and do more conducive to maintenance.The world and region are peaceful and stable.