The 15th election of Malaysia is nominated. Except for the nine nine national conference seats in East Malaysia, there are one -on -one duel, and the remaining 213 seats have multi -corner war. Among themIt also staged a 10 -corner melee.

The 15th National Election of Malaysia started, and a total of 945 people nominated for 222 national conference seats. The number of candidates set the highest in Malaysia. Most of the constituencies appeared in a multi -corner melee.

With the candidates of each camp, the nomination procedures were completed on Saturday (November 5) in various nomination centers across the country, and the 14 -day campaign period officially started.

According to the data released by the election committee members after the nomination, except for the nine nine national conference seats in the East Malaysia, there are one -on -one duels, and the remaining 213 seats have multi -angle battles.Essence

Asukkani, chairman of the election committee, said at a press conference that this election has not won without a constituency.Six candidates have lost their qualifications, including four Congress candidates and two states seat candidates.In this election, Pahang, Perak and Glass City also held state parliamentary elections simultaneously.

Earlier, analysis generally believes that the National Front, Hope Alliance and the National Alliance will be three -pointers in this election.However, on the day of the nomination day, multiple political parties and non -party members joined the battle.Among them, there are as many as 108 candidates without party members, which is the largest of previous elections.

Scholars: Do not rule out that many candidates have scattered opponents voting "agent"

Liu Weicheng, a lecturer at the Department of Political and Media of Ralaman University in Malaysia, said in an interview with Lianhe Zaobao that after more than four years of turmoil, the Malaysian Political Bureau was still in chaos.However, this is a good opportunity for many politicians or people who are interested in politics.

"At present, most voters do not have obvious support for camps, so for politicians, hope is everywhere. In the case of competition in the three major alliances, some small parties or people without party members often have the opportunity to break through."

However, Liu Weicheng does not rule out the existence of "agents" among many candidates."They may receive the benefits of some political parties, aiming to disable the votes of dispersion opponents."

East Malaysia's situation is equally fierce.The Pakatan Harapan in the five Congress of Beisha La Vietnam has a hard -to -split -touched Police Alliance. At the same time, it also faces the local party -the National Unity Party and the Daya Party to join the war.

Liu Weicheng said that under the circumstances of political parties and many candidates, the votes of this election will be further dispersed."If the voting rate is not high and the votes are highly scattered, the election results will be more difficult to predict, and may even be bursting."

In terms of the league, the Chairman of the Justice Party Anwar this time played in the "Pakatan Harapan Prime Minister Candidate" posture, and faced the four corners.In addition to shaking the co -chairman of the Turkish Solidarity Party, Anhua also faces the competition of the Barisan Nasional and the motherland.

After Anhua completed his nomination, he told the media present that he gave him a positive response to the voters in the past few days, so that his confidence in winning the election greatly increased.He criticized the current government's policy failure.

The Pahang Belle constituency, which is Prime Minister and UMNO Vice Chairman of UMNO, also ushered in the triangle.Although Esmai has worked for the four elections in Belle, he admits that he dare not lightly rivals, and even says that this election has no "easy victory" constituencies.

Esmai reiterated at the nominated press conference that he was still the Prime Minister of the Barisan Nasional. This was the decision of the UMNO Supreme Council and was supported by 156 district ministries across the country."Therefore, the resolutions made before remained unchanged."

The President of the National Alliance Muyudin has won the ninth Parliament of Parliament of Parlia in Johor.Gandasha's election allowed Baro to appear triangle.

In addition, according to the report of the Malaysian Police Captain, the nomination date is roughly peaceful.However, riots occurred outside the nomination center of Sabah, and the police were forced to fire tear bullets to dispel the crowd.