Due to guessing that China is preparing to gradually relax the "clear zero" policy, the stock market in the United States has risen sharply on Tuesday (1st), although the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs claims that such plans do not know.

According to Bloomberg, the NASDAQ Golden Dragon China Index closed up 3.8 %, and the market rose 7.6 %.Stocks related to economic openness have risen, and Ctrip and Huazhu Group lead the rise, with an increase of 8.4%and 11%, respectively.Internet stocks such as Alibaba and JD.com have increased by more than 3%.

HB Investments investment supervisor Sharif Farha said that there were both people buying and replenishment in the trend on Tuesday.As for whether the rise in the trend, it will depend on whether China ’s clearing policy is really officially ended.

The unrelated posts on social media claim that Chinese officials are setting up a committee to study various situations related to exiting the "clear zero".March.However, Zhao Lijian, a spokesman for Chinese Foreign Ministry, said at a routine conference that "do not understand" the relevant situation.

However, some investors are still vigilant, especially considering that China has recently reiterated that it will insist on clearing the zero policy.

ADAM Montanaro, director of investment director of global emerging market stocks, said investment speculation must be cautious about such rumors, especially in recent monthsThe proof is basically based, but the strong response of the stock price shows that if the rumors of exiting the "clear zero" are true, many Chinese stocks will have considerable room for upward.