After the most stringent export control of China in October in the United States, the Japanese media reported that the Bayeon government asked the Japanese ally to take the same control measures.

According to the Japanese Nikkei Chinese website on Wednesday (November 2nd), the Japanese government anonymous relevant persons revealed that after receiving the inquiries from the United States, they have coordinated within the government to discuss the United States' control of China to China.What can be followed in.The relevant person also said that Japan will also observe the trends of the European Union and South Korea.

The U.S. Department of Commerce released measures for high -end technologies such as supercomputers on October 7th to extensively restrict transactions with Chinese transactions.Not only is the semiconductor itself, including manufacturing equipment, design software and talents, they all adopt a license system.

It is reported that the United States urges allies to implement export controls on high -performance semiconductor -related parts and components. At the same time, it may also be in areas including semiconductor manufacturing equipment, participating in production and research and development.Solid pace.

The report quoted Alan Estevez, deputy Minister of Commerce, who was responsible for export management, spoke in a speech on October 27."

Kangyu Kangyu, the Japanese Economic and Industry Xiang Ximura, said to China at a press conference on Tuesday (November 1) that" is communicating with the United States and will listen to the opinions of domestic enterprises according to the communication situation."

If Japan chooses the same control measures as the United States, for the semiconductor industry in Japan, the influence of Sino -US opposition will also be further strengthened, and semiconductor companies are also strengthening their vigilance.As of now, how the content of the control has not been determined, and many Japanese related companies, including Nikon, are "being evaluated in detail the impact on business."

It is reported that a large semiconductor manufacturing equipment company in Japan expressed concerns: "If China's cutting -edge semiconductor production has fallen into stagnation, Japan's demand for the latest manufacturing equipment with high advantages will weaken."

The market size of semiconductor equipment in mainland China market was about $ 22 billion (about S $ 31 billion) in 2022, second only to Taiwan and South Korea, accounting for 22 % of the global overall;Market business opportunities will be limited, and the impact on the performance of various enterprises will increase.

Affected by the new US regulations, the US Manufacturing Equipment Giant Application Materials Company (Applied Materials Inc) lowered its business income expectations from August to October this year.In addition, American technicians who have worked at the Chinese cutting -edge semiconductor factory have begun to return to China, and ASML, a Dutch semiconductor manufacturing equipment company, has also asked American employees to stop serving Chinese customers.