(Beijing News) Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi met on Friday (October 28) with the new US ambassador to China in March this year.Try to deal with China from the position of strength.

According to a press release issued by the official website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China, Wang Yi accepted Bernes on Friday to visit him, and the two sides held talks.Wang Yi welcomed Bernus to China and introduced the achievements and significance of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China to Bernus.

reiterates that they should respect each other and live in peace

Wang Yi reiterated that Sino -US relations are in a critical juncture. The international community generally expects that Sino -US relations can develop stably. China and the United States should adhere to the principles of mutual respect, peaceful coexistence, and win -win cooperation.Development is the most fundamental follow.He emphasized that, as two major powers, no one has changed anyone. The United States should not try to deal with China from its strength. Do not always think about suppressing China's development. I hope Bernus can become a bridge and bond between China and the United States.Essence

According to the Chinese press release, Berns said that he paid great attention to the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and also studied the 20th National Congress. The introduction of the Chinese side will help deepen the U.S. understanding.He said that US -China relations are very important to the two countries and the world. The United States is willing to strengthen communication with China, manage differences, and promote cooperation.

This is the first time Bernes met with Wang Yi after arriving in Hua Shi.After Bernes completed the procedure of submitting a copy of the national book in April this year, he was only invited to meet with the deputy minister of China Foreign Ministry Xie Feng.According to a short press release issued by the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the two sides exchanged opinions on the international and regional issues that Sino -US relations and the common concern that they carried out at the time.