US trade representative Dai Qi said that for Chinese leadershipHow to affect the economic relations between the United States and China, the Bayeng government is still watching and will continue to defend the interests of the United States until Beijing changes.

Daiqi said in an interview with the Washington office of Bloomberg on Friday (October 28): "I think this is really 'watching' and 'to be determined' ...They are all asking, not only in terms of trade, but also in the entire relationship. "

Daiqi said that in the next four months, she will continuetouch.She also said that it is unclear who Xi Jinping will be appointed to take over, and the change will wait until March of next year.

It is reported that although the White House has prepared psychological preparations for Beijing's strengthening of the economy, Daiqi does not rule out that China may introduce more market -oriented reform measures to surprise the world.She said that as China entered the government, "nothing is doomed."

"We are adding to (control) to prepare for the situation where the reform is not progressing," Daiqi said.But the United States knows that "prepare for the decision that might be surprising", she said, and added that "it may not come soon" on this day.

Daiqi also emphasized that the focus of the Bayeng government is to responsibly manage the relationship between the two countries. While promoting the economic structure of Beijing to reform the Chinese economic structure, Washington expects China to do the part of it.

"We must defend our interests more firmly until China and Beijing decide to carry out structural reforms to make their system more consistent with our system."

Dai Qi said her office continued to contact Chinese officials to implement the first -stage trade agreement reached by the previous government.

Bloomberg reported that US President Biden and Xi Jinping will meet at the opposite side of the G20 leader summit next month, but the plan has not yet been finalized.