The US ambassador to China Burns called on China to restart the dialogue and allow Sino -US relations to move forward.

After visiting Taiwan in early August, the Speaker of the House of Representatives of the United States, which made China and the United States interrupt communication.Washington is now trying to try to make US -China relations return to the right track.

According to Bloomberg, the US ambassador to China Burns on Thursday (September 29) at the Asian Summit at the Milken Institute in Singapore, in the Asian Summit, he delivered a video speech: "The information we convey to the Chinese sideYes, we restart the dialogue and move forward together. "

Bernus said that although the United States and China compete in science and technology, the United States needs to cooperate with China in climate change and hygiene issues.

Bernus's above remarks show that Washington's tension in the Taiwan Strait that has appeared after Perosi visited Taiwan tried to cool down.

However, Bernus also warned Beijing that Washington's unilateral changes in the Taiwan Strait aspects, and added: "We have warned them that we do not agree and will not accept their approach."

Perlis ignored Beijing's opposition in early August and became the first speaker in the US House of Representatives to visit Taiwan in 25 years.This has caused strong dissatisfaction in Beijing and launched an unprecedented "enclosure" military exercise.Beijing also adopts countermeasures to the United States, including interruption of dialogue with the United States in defense and climate change.

The American National Security Council spokesman Kobe pointed out at the time that China's cutting off military dialogue with the United States was "irresponsible behavior" and added that "not all communication channels of the US -China military leadership were being affected by the US -China military leadership.closure" .Cerbin also said that the interrupted climate change dialogue is equivalent to "punishing the world."

The U.S. Presidential Climate Special Envoy Cry said last week that despite the suspension of the US -China climate change dialogue, there is still room for communication between the two parties.He said: "I sincerely hope that China can decide to restart the dialogue in the next few days, because this is our owed to humans."