(Morning News) US President Biden said he had not decided whether he would seek the second term in 2024, although he had previously stated that he would run again.

Agence France -Presse reported that Bayeng made this expressed in an interview broadcast on Sunday (September 18) at the Columbia Broadcasting Corporation (CBS).

In November this year, Biden, 80, accepted the CBS's "60 minutes" program in an exclusive interview that he had the idea of seeking re -election, "But this is just a thought. But this is a firm decisionIs everything to be observed. "

Biden said," It's too early to talk about this matter "and say that he is a" person who respects fate. "

When the host mentioned that he was the oldest in the United States, when he was the older president, Biden responded: "I'm quite tough, right?"

Is heHe can also cope with the presidential position. He said, "You see me now," and emphasized that "the facts are better than the argument."

However, Bynden acknowledged that his current low support rate reflects the United States in a "very difficult period".

The White House said many times before that Biden will run again in US President in 2024.