(Morning News) A young woman in Iran was trapped after being detained by a moral police that strictly executed women's headscarf orders in the local area, and finally declared death, causing the Iranian people on Friday (September 16) in social networking on social networkingMedia and street demonstration protests.

Reuters reported that some videos on the uploaded on the social media platform showed that the Iranian moral police department seemed to take some excessive action against women who do not wear headscarves.

In the past few months, Iranian activists have always called on women to publicize their veils, but this may cause women to be arrested.Iran's hard -working rulers regard violating Islamic clothing regulations as "immoral behaviors."

According to the official Iranian media reports, Iranian President Laich has ordered an investigation to investigate the 22 -year -old woman Mahsa Amini after being arrested.

Police refute the allegations of beatings?

The police said that Ami and other arrested women were held in a moral police station together.

According to a statement of the police, Ami has been taken from the police car to the police station from being taken to the police station. No police have any physical contact with her, and refute the online related to the police by the police.Charges.

A closed -circuit TV screen played by the National Television of Iran showed that a woman accused of being an Ami's woman stood up from the seat and suddenly fell down to a official in the police station.

Reuters cannot verify the authenticity of this video.

The saying of a woman's heart disease after receiving "re -education" is said

Iranian police earlier claimed that Ami was taken to the police station to receive "re -education"., But Ami's relatives denied that she had heart disease.

Some well -known Iranian athletes and artists have passed criticisms on the Internet on the Internet. Mahmoud Sadeghi, who has always bluntly reformed Politicians, has always been unbelievable reformist politicians.Hammene, the highest leader of Iran on Twitter, explained his views on the matter.

In 2020, the White Police of the United States kneeling kneeling on one knee pressed the black Freud neck and caused Freud to die. Hamenei had publicly condemned it.