(Morning News) Previously reported that UMNO President Ahmad Zaji, Acting Chairman Mohamadha Mountain, and Vice Chairman Eismemi, Carnomin and HorseThe "Five Giants" and other "five giants" have met the date of the general election.However, Prime Minister Isemisabri said that the five giants have not yet held a meeting to discuss the matter.

Esmai is also a member of the UMNO Pahang Baile District.He told the media after sending a funds to the local Chinese and Indian communities on Sunday (September 11) to tell the media that when the parliament would dissolve and hold a general election, he must first discuss with the UMNO senior leaders, and then with MCA and National UniversityParty and other members of the Barisan Nasional Party discussed."Then it must be presented to the cabinet, because according to the constitution, the dissolution of the Congress must be approved by the cabinet first. After that, I saw the head of state Abdullah so that (obtaining the royal) dissolved the parliament. This is the procedure that should be followed."

Umno is currently divided into the officials headed by UMNO Chairman Ahmad Zahi, as well as the official positions led by UMNO Vice Chairman and Prime Minister Eismimbi.Among them, the power faction advocates the election as early as possible, and the official position disagrees.

Umno's power to pressure Ismai to ask for the early election, as the former Prime Minister Najib was defeated on August 23 and entered jail on August 23.The Malaysian media quoted the news on August 26 that when the UMNO Politburo met on August 24, the leader of the authority made four requests to Ismai.

These requirements include the replacement of the chief judges of the federal court, Donggu Mai Run, the replacement of the chief prosecutor Idruz, applying for amnesty Prime Minister Najib to the head of state, and immediately disbanding parliament and holding a general election.When the power faction even shows that if Esima cannot achieve these four points, UMNO will avoid Esmai's vice chairman.

The Issima government suddenly announced on August 26 that it was proposed on October 7 in the 2023 fiscal budget, three weeks earlier than the original date.As a result, Malaysia may be held in November this year.