As the Sino -US science and technology war continued to heat up, China's official re -reinforcement of the "new national system", emphasizing that it is necessary to play the advantage of the "concentrated force to do major events" in the socialist system, and greatly enhance the systemic ability of science and technology research.This is the first time that Beijing has made a determination to promote key technologies since its effectiveness in August this year.

According to the Chinese official media Xinhua News Agency, the official Chinese official on Tuesday (September 6) presided over the meeting of the Central Committee of Comprehensive Deepening the Reform Commission to emphasize that it is necessary to give full play to the role of market mechanisms, focus on national strategic needs, optimize allocation of innovative resources, strengthen the country to strengthen the countryStrategic scientific and technological power has greatly enhanced the ability of science and technology research to systematization.

The meeting reviewed and approved the opinions of key core technologies under the conditions of socialist market economy.Adhere to the national strategic orientation, focusing on the development of "key technologies with the advantages of the first development and the basic cutting -edge technologies to lead future development."

The meeting also emphasized: "It is necessary to strengthen the centralized and unified leadership of the Party Central Committee and establish an authoritative decision -making command system."

The stock section of the chip sector rises market value exceeding 1400 billion yuan

Although there is no clear what is "key core technology" in the official report, the stock price of the Chinese semiconductor sector rose on Wednesday (September 7).To.Many related stocks such as Guoxin Technology and Anji Technology rose more than 10 %.

The U.S. Congress passed the chip bill of the domestic semiconductor industry in July this year, and increased the restrictions on China's acquisition of chip manufacturing equipment.It is also reported this month that the United States is considering restricting domestic companies to invest in Chinese technology companies and further tighten the export of artificial intelligence chips to China.

Scholars: I have realized the determination of the United States to play the "long -lasting war" in the United States

Zhu Feida, an associate professor at the School of Information Systems, Singapore Management University, analyzed in an interview with the United Zard that the United States continued to increase the plugging of Chinese chips and caused a great blow to high -tech industries such as smartphones and autonomous driving.The alarm made the decision -making layer aware that the United States' determination to fight for the "long -lasting war" in suppressing China's science and technology development.

Zhu Feida believes that in this context, Chinese senior officials propose to improve the "new national system", which indicates that it is necessary to gather all the forces to promote technical research and break through the "stuck neck" problem."Although the chip is a highly market -oriented industry, the current technical bottlenecks faced by the current technology may not be optimized to the best resource allocation. To a certain extent, the national measures will help quickly improve the efficiency of technical research."

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China in 2012, the decision -making layer has repeatedly proposed to promote the development of scientific and technological through the "new national system"; in 2019, the Fourth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee is also clear.New type of national system ".

The former editor -in -chief of the Science and Technology Daily, Liu Yadong, dean of the School of Journalism and Communication of Nankai University, pointed out in May this year that the previous national system can be used to win the gold medal and even the original bullets in sports competitions, but it is not suitable for it for not applicable toDevelop chips such as costs and industrialization products.

Liu Yadong said that the characteristics of the new national system must play a role under the conditions of the market economy, "let the market play a decisive role in resource allocation, and better play the role of the government."

(Reporter is Lianhe Morning News Shanghai Special Commissioner)