(Manila News) Philippine President Marcos believes that the negotiations between the Philippines and Indonesia on the mainland margin can be used as a example of a peaceful resolution of disputes between the country.He did not rule out to resolve sovereign disputes with China in the South China Sea in a similar way.

Little Marcos was interviewed with the Philippine media before the visit to Indonesia on Tuesday (September 6).According to the Philippines Star News, Marco said that the Philippine India's current negotiations on the mainland rack industry said "very interested", and said that such negotiations can not only solve the problems of Indonesia and the Philippines, but also applies to strokes with other countries.Domestic negotiations.

During the visit to India, the Philippines and India have agreed to accelerate the negotiations of the mainland rack.

When asked if he would propose to Beijing to solve the sovereignty dispute of maritime sovereignty in the Philippines in a similar way, Macco said, "I think this is at least worth exploring, because there have been a case of such a solution. We have a case.Not only did the conclusion, but also reached a solution, so you should try it. Of course, I hope it is effective. Even if it does not work, we can try other methods, but there is at least one starting point. "

The Philippines signed an agreement with Indonesia's exclusive economic zone industry in 2014.This is the first sea boundary treaty signed by the two countries after 20 years of negotiations. The agreement specifies the exclusive exclusiveEconomic Zone.

The Philippines named the South China Sea on the west side of the Philippine Islands as the "Western Philippines Sea" and said it was the exclusive economic zone of the Philippines.The sovereignty.